10~friends group ❤

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Subha look back and ask"yes may I know you are you".

The girl said"I am disha kapoor cousin of your brother's best friend parth".

Subha said"oh nice to meet you".

Disha said"can we be friend ".

Subha said" Yes why not".

They both become friend.

Disha said"come let's go and meet my other friend ".

Subha said" Yes come but can i know how you know me".

Disha said"whole college is talking about you and I see you are new girl so I guess you are subha yadav".

Subha said"smart'.

Disha said"friend see subha yadav Krishna bhai sister".

Kavya, naksh, dev and jaya said"I was really excited to meet you".

Subha smiled at them.

Kavya introduced everyone. By pointing.
He is naksh
He is dev his brother.
She is jaya and
I am kavya ".

Subha said" Nice to meet you all".

Nameh said "if am not wrong you mother rohini and my mother pritha maa are friends ".

Subha said" Yes how is everyone in your family and what about yash bhai ".

Naksh said" Nice what about your family and yes yash bhai got married with diya bhabhi".

Subha said"what he get married ".

Naksh said" Yes it has been 6 month".

Subha said"then I should meet him".

Naksh said "why don't you come tomorrow".

Subha said" I will come on Sunday that full day I will spend my time with you all".

Naksh said"ok"

Kafya said"when he said yash bhai got married why you got shocked ".

Subha said" That is secret I can't disclose till yash bhai permits me".

Dev and naksh said"what it is".

Subha said"it's secret sorry".

They all said "ok ".

Kavya said" Girl should be like you sweet not like that yagna who is rude".

Naksh said" I am agreed with you he is chudel".

Subha said"why you both are saying like this".

Jaya said"they you always say like this stop it naksh and kavya and naksh if your parth bhai married her then she will you bhabhi".

Naksh said"don't say this again jaya if parth bhai married yagna then I will leave the house".

Kavya said"good decision naksh I also can't tolerate her".

Subha said"are you guys dating each other" Try to change topic.

Kavya and naksh Stammered.

Subha said"I got my answer".

They both become silent.

Disha said "what you done subha the two people who never keep silence is sit silently".

Subha laugh with her disha dev and jaya laugh.

Kavya said" Don't laugh come start doing lunch".

They sit and had there lunch.

They were talking.

Subha phone ring.

Subha picked the call and said"say bhai".

Krishna said"come near fountain ".

Subha said" Ok I will".

Kagya said"did Krishna bhai call you".

Subha nodded and said "yes i must leave by everyone".

All said " Bye".

Kagya said"you are new member of our group you can come to us anytime.

Subha nodded and left. She call Karna and ask him did there anything he want to say.
Karna said"wait I am coming ".

Karn came and said" Take this paper on this written about our project we both have to complete our project as we are bench partner ".

Subha said" Ok we will doo".

Karna said"subha can I call vrushali from your phone my phone battery is dead".

Subha said"yes why not".

Subha gave him and said"after you are done can you bring my phone near fountain bhai is waiting for me there".

Karna said"ok I will subha you can go".

Subha nodded and leave she was busy to keep paper in bag she collided with someone.

To be continued

Who is the person subhadra collided any idea?

How was chapter?

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