9~angry subha❤

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When the voice came.

Subha look back. Karna said"duri you here".

Subha look at Karna and ask"who is he".

Karna said"he is my friend duri Kapoor".

Subha nodded.

Duri come closer to them. He stand in front of subha.

Subha become confused by his behaviour.

He knelt down and said"I love you subha".

Subha was shocked then man she saw in her life for very first time is proposing her.

Subha said "Karna say him to stop if I lose my patience then he can't face it".

Karna was seeing angry in her eyes for first time he understand that she didn't like his behaviour. He too know what duri did was not right.

Duri said"you are rejecting me".

Subha said" Better you go from here and never show me your face or else I will not control my self from slapping you."

He move closer to her this was enough to make her out of control. She lose her patience and slapped and said"if a girl say no to you then it means no even she say it directly of indirectly the answer will be no only and what you know about me only after seeing mmy face you fall in love with me due you know about my dream do you know any thing about me then how can you simple force any one to say yes. And love happens with heart not with body. "

Duri said"how dare you".

Karna said"stop duri today your are totally wrong I thought you are nice guy how can you do like this with a girl when you have sister, what if someone do like this with your sister".

Duri said"I will kill him".

Karna said"so I will also kill you because she is like my sister and even krishna and ram will also not leave you".

Duri said"but I am your friend na".

Karna said"we were friend now you are not my friend anymore".

Karna said"subha lets go ".

They both left the place. Duri touch his cheecks and said" I will take revenge subha yadav".

Karna sense subha sadness.he said"sorry subha I never accept this from him".

Subha said"it's ok it's not your mistake so leave it".

Karna smiled at her.

Subha said"we're is law class".

Karn said"it is on first floor but today mam didnt came so there will no lecture of law".

Subha said "so you do one thing Karna talk to vrushali spend time with her we will take it slowly and figure out what she feels for you".

Karma said" Ok I will where you will go ".

Subha said" In canteen I am hungry ".

Karna said" Ok but before going call me".he gave his number and subhadra gave her number.

Subha nodded.

Karna left to meet vrushali and subha left to canteen. Subhadra reach in canteen. She take food and was about to move.

A girl said"are you subha yadav".

To be continued

I update this for you my friend.

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