17~a night out❤

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Now all had their lunch they were sitting and playing card. While playing parth was glancing at subha.

Naksh yash diya and bhim notice it. Subhadra was busy fighting with dev. Dev said"subha no".

Subha said"my name is subha yadav not subha no ok" .

Dev said"don't tell anyone you are student of mbbs because no only will believe after seeing you fight for such simple game".

Subha said"for your kind innformation there is my friend who believe that I am mbbs student and also he understand my fighting in silly game".

Pritha said"dev why are you irrating her ".

Dev said" Maa she is one who... ".

Pritha said" No more talk I don't want to hear".

Subha smiled and hug pritha and showed her tongue to dev. All were seeing there cute banaters.

Suddenly pritha phone rang she pick up call and the calll was ok gauri.

Pritha said"how are you gauri didi".

Gauri said"I am fine how are you".

Pritha said"I am also fine".

Gauri said "I want to tell you in next week on Monday you have to keep pooja for laxmi maa with all family members for well-being of family I am also keeping pandit ji said me it is necessary".

Pritha said" Ok I will didi".

Gauri said "ok bye".

Pritha said" Bye".

Pranit ask"what happened ".

Pritha said" We need to keep a pooja for laxmi maa for well being of our family".

Pranit said "when we have too".

Pritha said" Next week".

All nodded.

Pritha said"and I want my every son were traditional dress on that day even you too parth".

Parth said"you know maa I will not then why you are trying ".he left to his room.

Pritha sighed and said" Subha beta you also come with your family for pooja".

Subha nodded.

Now it's night.

Subha was leaving after dinner. Parth said"you are not going alone I will leave you ".

Subha said" Don't worry parth I will go".

Pritha said"no parth will drop you parth you go and drop her safely".

Parth nodded. He sit in car and was waiting for subha.

Pritha said"come again ".

Subha said" Yes I will now here is my family ".

Pritha hug her and pranit to hug her. Later she bid good bye and she sit in car.

Parth start the car and they start to leave towards subha house. After sometime subha see a beautiful garden.

She see it and said"parth stop".

Parth stop the car and look at her and asks" Why what happened".

Subha pointed towards garden and said"I want to see it".

Parth think for a while and said"come".

Subha become happy they both get down from car. Parth though "this is our night out".he smiled.

They sit on a bench.

Parth said" Subha how can I get to know that I love someone ".

Subha said" Just put your hand on your heart and feel it".

Parth take her hand and keep it on his heart and said" I never feel anything here if you can feel than tell me ".

Subha can feel his heart beat increasing she know it only happened when you are in love.

Subha said" If I am not wrong then you are in love".

Parth said"and with whom".

Subha said"that you should feel whenever you feel happy and peaceful around any girl than you are in love with her".

Parth was look at subha he can feel happy and peaceful around her.

He said"ok now let's go home".

Subha nodded and she started to leave.parth was looking at subha he though means I love her but I should conform and also what if she don't love me".

Subha called "parth come".

Parth goes and start to drive car he was glancing at subha who was busy at look towards nature. After sometime they reach home.

Parth said" Bye".

Subha said"come inside parth ".

Parth said" No subha I am late I will come next time".

Subha said"ok bye".

Parth said"bye".

Subha start to leave parth was standing there to see her going inside house. Subha look back and action him to leave. Parth action her to go first. Subha smile and goes inside house and action now go. Parth smiled and leave from there.

Subha goes inside her room.

Krishna ask"how was day".

Subha said"best ".

Krishna smiled after sometime they both goes to sleep.

In kapoor house.

Parth come inside house he sit on sofa. Naksh come near parth and take out the bracelet which was on his shirt.

Naksh ask" Bhai this is subha bracelet what is doing with you".

Parth remember garden incident and said"may be by mistaken I will return her".

He take braclet from naksh and goes to his room he keep it safely in cupboard. And sleep.

To be continued.

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