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Suddenly one girl came and ask"can i help you ".

They both see same girl wearing white colour shirt and black colour jeans she get down from car and ask them again" Can i help you".

Pranit said"actually our tire is puncher".

They girl said"if you don't mind I will tell my driver to leave you your home come".

Pranit said"are you sure".

Girl said"yes uncle please come".

They three left and sit in girls car.

Pritha ask"what is your name dear".

The girl said"my name is subha".

Pranit said"very nice name thank you beta you help us ".

Subha said" It's okay uncle".

Pritha said "you look beautiful".

Subha said" Thank you aunt".

Pritha said"if you don't mind you can call me maa".

Subha said"ok maa".

Pritha and subha were feeling something different .

Pritha said"I heared you wish ".

Subha said" I just ask it because tomorrow my first so".

Pritha said"tomorrow day will best for you ".

Subha said" Thank you maa".

Pranit said"your family is blessed by getting you".

Subha smiled.

Subha said to driver"stop here".

Subha said"my home came ".

Pritha said" So this is you home".

Subha nodded and said to driver "take them to there home carefully ok".

Driver nodded and pranit and pritha smiled at her and said"bye and thank you beta".

Subha said" What is this you call me beta and says thank you ".

Pritha smiled and said" Meet you soon ".

Subha nodded. The car left.

Subha turned to her house and said to herself after one year finally I returned to my home.

Subha take her luggage and run inside the house. She call out" Bhabhi bhai maa papa ".

Ram said" They are not in home only I am there because I love you".

Subha hug him and said"I love you too bhai".

Ram said"how are you ".

Subha said" I am fine what about you".while walking toward sofa.

Ram said"I am fine".

Subha said"where are others".

Ram said"maa and papa has gone to Rajasthan to meet grandfather he is not well, your bhabhi is gone to college for teaching, Krishna has gone to college ".

Subha said" Only you love me".

Ram said"yes see the didn't even wait to see you".

Subha said"I will not talk to Krishna bhai ".

Ram nodded and said" Get fresh and come down we will have lunch".

Subha went to take bath after she take bath she wore simple but pretty white colour frock. Her hair were wet she wear small earing and come down.

Subha said"what is in lunch bhai".

Ram said"your favorite ".

Subha said" I can't wait to eat come bhai lets eat".

Subha and ram sitted and start to eat. When driver came and said"I drop them safely ".

Subha said" Ok thanks".

Driver said"it's my duty by the way welcome".

Driver left.

Ram ask"about whom he was taking ".

Subha explain him every thing what happened.

Ram said" You are so selfless".

Subha smiled and they had lunch.

In kapoor house:

Pritha and pranit come inside house then diya came and give water.

Diya ask"you tire was puncher than how you came".

Pranit said"one girl help us she said her driver to drops us home".

Pritha said"she was so beautiful ".

Pranit said" Yes you are right ".

Pritha said" But we didn't take her number ".

Pranit said" Oh we forget ".

Diya said" It's ok You get fresh maa papa".

They nodded and better fresh.

They three had lunch.

Pranit said"pritha bring a tea for me I am doing some office work".

Pritha nodded she was thinking about the girls she feels familiar. She goes to kitchen and start to prepare . When a call came....

Pritha said"hello who".

To be continued.

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