25~heart break♥

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Subha move from there to her class she sit beside karna. Karna look at her with concern and said"what happened you look dull".

Subha fake a smile and said"nothing karna i am fine ".

Karna caressed her head and said" Ok after a month there is our project submission now we should focus on it".

Subha nodded. They sit and pay attention on lecture. After lecture get over subha and karna move towards library they have to take a book.

Subha was lost in her own thoughts she was think about parth suddenly she collided with someone she didn't look at person and said"sorry".

Then person said"no need to say sorry subha".hearing his voice subha understood it parth. She controlled her tears and fake a smile and look up.

Parth look at her lovingly. But subha look at him without any expression. Parth was lost in her eyes suddenly bell rang he came out from his dream and said"can you meet me after college in your favourite ice cream parlour.

Subha nodded. Parth smile and look at her. Karna was looking at them.

Karna said"subha next class is of radhika mam lets go or we will have to stand out of class ".subha nodded she look at parth . Parth waved his hand and said" Bye meet you soon".

Subha nodded and left with Karna.

Parth was standing there look at disappearing subha fighure suddenly he feel hand around his neck sees. Naksh .

Naksh said"did you confess"?

Parth said"not now I will after college at her favourite ice cream shop. "

Naksh noddded. Then krishna came and road"parth come yaar we have lecture of anand sir ".

Parth nodded and goes with him. Naksh goes to his class.

After lecture get over..

Subha bid bye to karna and vrushali and goes out of college. And wait for parth. She was controlling her self to fall weak.

Vrushali look at Karna he was thinking something vrushali ask" What happened Karna".

Karna said"nothing well can you tell me what subha feel for parth ".

Vrushali try to stop topic and said" Why this sudden question and that to about parth".

Karma said"just say vrushali ".

Vrushali said" Actually subha love parth I was little sure when I see them together and smiling but yesterday subha call me and said this that she loves parth but she didn't know about his feelings ".

Karna said" Ok lets go home"while thinking something.

Vrushali nodded she followed him but she was thinking why he ask about parth he is his enemy what is happening.

They both left home. At gate of college parth came with his bike and stop it near subha. Subha sit on bike and parth move towards ice cream parlour.

After sometimes they reach there they have an ice cream they came out of parlour then parth though now here is time to propose her he was hell nervous and she was in pain. Parth first look at her then take a deep breath and think"if you want her then take risk and propose her parth Or she will go from here".

Parth called her soflty"subha".

Subha came out from dreamland and said"yes parth".

Parth move closer to her and held her hand and said"I dont know what you feel for me but for me You are the music in my life. Everything gets a little bit better with you in it. Your laugh is like a symphony that I can never get enough of. I still remember the moment when our eyes met for the first time. I felt butterflies in my stomach and since then my heart longs to be with you always. Being around you is the best feeling in the world . I knew you are my soulmate from the day I first met you. Thanks for coming into my life and making it beautiful.My feelings for you have only grown stronger since the day we first met.Today, I want to open my heart and let you know that you mean the world to me. Your smile brightness my day.I can't Pretend
Anymore... I Can't Act like Everything is Fine..
For The Sanity of My Heart&For The Clarity of My Mind I'm Confessing The Truth.
Subha I really Love you I really Need you.
Would you share the rest of your life with me? I promise we will make the best of every moment."hearing his word touch her heart once moment she thought yo say yes and tell him truth but she can't or yagna will harm him so she look at him .

She take out hand from her and said"you misunderstand our bond parth we are friends I never thought you more than friend yeah I like you but as a friend ".while controlling her tears which was really hard.

Parth was heartbroken hearing it but stay strong and held her shoulder and said"really then why you care fot me too much when I got injury on forehead it was just little but you where too much scary why this can't be reason that you are going to be Doctor so why you cared for me".

Subha know it's not easy to handle him she faked rudeness amd said"as a friend I care you parth it doesn't mean I love you I like you that also like friend you have misunderstood our bond sorry but I don't love you ".

Parth start to take step backwards subha look at him going. Subha take a step but parth stop her amd said" Ots not necessary for you to love me back Sorry if I hurted you by word its ok if you dont love me everyone have there own life I won't force you I don't want to force you to be mine but remember miss subha yadav I will always love you even you didn't love me back .

Parth start his bike and ride it very fast subha keep looking at him. She feel on her knees and cried her heart out. Yagna who was watching this smirked she was keep eye on them now she is relief she goes from there. Subha was continuously crying.

Subha start to feel dizzy suddenly she fainted.

To be continued.

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