15~best day of life❤

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On sunday.

Subha was getting ready. Krishna came and daid"you look beautiful ".

Subha siad" Of course I must my bhai I am sister of most handsome brother so I should look beautiful ".

Krishna nodded and hug her and said" Come soon and enjoy your day".

Subha said"bhai ".krishna hummed.

Subha said" I love you bhai".

Krishna said "love you too gf".

Subha daid" Ok byee".

Krishna said "bye".

Subha said" Bye to ram and revathi and subha left to parth house.

In kapoor house.

All kapoor were waiting for subha. Suddenly door bell rang. Parth goes and open door and he was lost in the charm of the person. The person is no other than subha. She was wearing red colour dress.

(Imagine her standing)

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(Imagine her standing)

Parth was looking at her his mouth was slight open. Subha move closer to him. She look at his eyes. She slowly waved her hand in front of parth then smacked his forehead and laugh.

Just then naksh came.

Naksh said"parth bhai who is there".

Parth said"subha ".

Naksh said" Come come inside".

They went inside.

Subha said"where is your mother".

Naksh said"in kitchen".

Subha said"ok let's go to her first ".

Naksh nodded. They reach in Hall. There were all except pritha yash and bhim. Yagna look at her and ask" Why she came her."

Naksh irrated and said"I don't need to say you better you keep quiet in front of me".

Yagna look at him annoying.

Naksh said "meet subha yadav".

Subha look at pranit and said"uncle you here".

Pranit said"you are my friend daughter sorry child I didn't recognize you".

Subha said "it's ok uncle I mean papa that I too didn't recognize you".

Pranit hug her and said" Pritha will happy to see you".

Pranit called "pritha come she had came".

Pritha came with aarthi plate and she stand beside pranit. She shocked when she see the girl she said" You here beta ".

Pranit said" Do you know who is she ".

Pritha said"yes we meet in temple her name was subha".

Pranit said"she is not only subha she is subha yadav ".

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