8~new friends ❤

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Subha ask"may I came in sir".

The professer said"come".

Subha said"I am new student subha yadav".

Principal said"oh subha yadav ram sister ".

Subha nodded.

Principal ask to a boy" Karna did any one is sitting beside you".

Karna said"no sir ".

Principal said to subha " You can sit with him he is a nice guy".

Subha nodded. She went near Karna and beside him.

Karna ask"if I am not wrong you are krishna yadav sister na".

Subha said"yes ".

Karna said" Then may be we can't be friends your brother must have told you that not to be friend of mine".

Subha said"my brother didn't say me like this but why you think so".

Karna said"your brothers best friend parth hates me thats why anyone of his friend never talk to me so I thought you will also hate me".

Subha said"no I never judge people after hear from other I judge people with my own thoughts"

Karna was shocked he never accept this answer.

Karna then ask"so can we be friends "while forward his hand.

Subhadra smiled and held his hand and said" Yes ".

Karna said" Today is your first day na after lecture finish I will show you our college ".

Subha said" Ok ".

Principal said" Karna and subha listen to me.

Karna and subha start to listen his class. Karna was looking at subha he was feeling how someone can be this much mature. Then he attend the lecture.

After lecture finish. Karna went out with subha. Karna call out "vrushali".

Subha said" Hey I am subha yadav".

Vrushali said "I am vrushali if I am not wrong your are krishna sister".

Subha nodded and ask" How do you know".

Vrushali said"while college is starr talking about you".

Subha smiled.

Vrushali said"Karna do you know her".

Karna said"yes we are friends ".

Subha said" Not mere friend but best friends ".

Vrushali said" Great ".

They both look at her.

Vrushali said" Leave it subha can you be my friend ".while forwarding his hand.

Subha forward her hand and they became friends.

Vrushali said" Bye Karna bye subha".and she left.

Subha said" Do you know her. "

Karna slightly blushed and said"yes she is my childhood friends ".

Subha raised her eyebrows and said" If she is you just friends then why are you blushed my best friends".

Karna said"no I am not blushing subha".

Subha said"I can see it Karna".

Karna finally accept his defeated and said"I have crush on her I really love her"..

Subha said"then why don't you confess ".

Karna said" What if she didn't love me then I will lose her."

Subha said"don't worry I will figure of let's go".

Karna said"ok lets go".

Subha and Karna were back side of college there was no one except them.

One voice came"wait subha yadav".

To be continued

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