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Next morning.

Subha alarm pierced subha ears. She get up lazily. She get ready and goes down. She sit and have her breakfast.

Ram ask"are you going college ".

Subha nodded.

Krishna said" Let's go subha".

Subha said"bye bhai".

Ram said"bye".

Krishna and subha left. Krishna said"subha how are you now".

Subha said"fine".

Krishna nodded. And they goes to college.

In kapoor house.

Parth was having his breakfast but lost in his own though .

Naksh said"bhai what are you thinking look at clock it's late ".and he left to college.

Parth look at clock and realize he is late he did his breakfast .

Parth said" Bye maa papa".

Pritha and pranit said"bye parth ".

In college.

All Krishna friends came in college ther were standing near fountain waiting for parth. After sometime parth came. His eyes was searching for subha but she was not there. His face was become sad. Suddenly his ears caught a sweet voice.

Subha said" Bhai i am going for class".

Seeing her face parth face glowes bright. Yagna noticed it she goes near parth and ask"you seems happy".

Parth didnt know what to say so he said"nothing just because maa was happy".

Yagna nodded.

Subha look at parth and smiled bright which he returned.

Karna came with vrushali and said"subha lets go".

Subha said"yes let's go".

Subha look at all of them and said"bye all of you".

All said"bye".

Subha leave with karna and parth become sad he said"let's go to our class".

All nodded. They goes inside there class parth sit on his seat and lost in subha.he though he had to figure of the feel he have for subha. Suddenly Krishna shake him and said"parth get up sir had came".parth get up all greeted sir and sir start the lecture.

Subha was become more stressed after sit in lecture. Karna ask"are you ok".

Subha nodded. After sometime lecture finished subhadra goes to her law lecture after law lecture get over she goes to meet her bhai near fountain.

She goes near fountain and hug his brother she was feeling well but not fully.

Krishna said"so can we go home".

Subha ask"don't you have your extra class today bhai".

Krishna said"subha please dont again".

Krishna friends were seen there banater.

Suddenly one voice"so here is sister of krishna yadav".

They all look at the person. The person is rukmi.

Krishna said in satya ear"tell rukmini to handle her brother if she don't want that he should get punishment ".

Satya delivered this message to rukmini. Rukmini goes near rukmini and said" Bhai please dont create a scene".

Rukmi said"why are you defending him "pointing towards Krishna.

Subha said" Behave".anger was visible in her eyes.

Rukmi said"you know your brother is a manipulater he manipulated my sister against me and shewath. Shewath love my sister but your brother show fake love towards my sister. But i leave it I feel that he should feel same I feel for my sister. "

Rukmi came near subha.

Rukmi said"leave it i am meeting the subha yadav so i should capture the pic".

Saying this he take out his phone. Parth and Krishna were controlling there angry. Rukmini was stopping his brother. Subha was standing with full of anger.

Rukmi said"shewath come her"and pull him beside him.

Rukmi take his subha and shewath photo without subha permission.rukmi said "indeed you are beautiful but how you become sister of this idiot".

Subha patience level crossed. She take rukmi phone and throw it down. And she keep her leg on his phone an break it.

Subha said" Luck is in your favour now that you are ik college if you ever meet me outside of college next moment you will be at hospital or police station ".

Rukmi said" You............ But rukmini said"stop bhai ".

Subha look at Krishna and left towards there car. Krishna said" Bye".to his friend and left.

Rukmi was very anger. Yagna satya was shocked just now what happened . Parth was seeing fading figure of subha. Rukmini was convince her brother.

Suddenly rukmi hear. One man said"how great she was.  the person rukmi is an idiot ".

Second person" Yes you are true".

All college were laughing silently.

Parth said"better you learn from this".

Satya said"true said parth".

Yagna said"we should leave".

All went home. Krishna tell subha that he was rukmini brother. Subha ask him is rukmini angry on her. Krishna said no she is not she sighed. They both had there dinner and goes to sleep.

In kapoor house:

Parth tell everyone what happened in college. Naksh said I heared it from my friends in college whole college was praising her.

Pritha said"she did good ".

Pranit said" Yes ".

Yash said" Of course she is sister of ram dont forget ".

All smiled they had dinner and they goes to sleep.

Arjun goes towards his room he want to talk subha but he can't so he message her. It has been 5 min he message her.


To be continued

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