3~who is gf? ❤

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(Rohini yadav-she is mother of subha krishna and ram her husband is vasu she is loving lady friend of Pritha kapoor.

Vasu yadav-he is father of subha krishna ram his wife is rohini his sister is shubhkirte. He is mama of shewath and kavya.he is friend of pranit kapoor .)

Continuing chapter:

Pritha said"hello rohini "

The voice came from phone"hello pritha".

Pritha said"rohini how are you ".

Rohini said"I am fine how are you".

Pritha said" Fine".

Rohini said"and what about your family".

Pritha said"they are also fine how is your family and where is you daughter I am eager to meet her".

Rohini said "she today only came to delhi you can meet her".

Pritha said" Great where are you now".

Rohini said"I am in Rajasthan my father is not well".

Pritha said"ok take care of him when are you coming back".

Rohini said"soon ".

Pritha said" I am waiting ".

Rohini said" Ok I will call you later ".

Pritha said" Ok bye".

Rohini said"bye".

Pritha cut the call and she take the tea and goes to pranit he see her face has broad smile.

Pranit ask"what happened you seem happy ".

Pritha said" Rohini daughter has came to delhi".

Pranit said"wow it's great news".

Pritha said"yes I think I should call her to meet us".

Pranit said "yes I also want meet my friend's daughter ".

Pritha said" Same ".

Pranit said" Ok did yash came ".

Pritha said " No now have you tea".

Pranit nodded.

In yadav house:

Subha said"bhai call krishna bhai".

Ram said"why".

Subha tell him her plan.

Ram said"ok I am calling him".

In college:

Parth was scrolling his Instagram and yagna were waiting for krishna and satya to come they always use to meet before leaving to home. Krishna and satya came.

Krishna said"how was day".

Parth and yagna said"good".

Krishna smile. Suddenly his phone ring. His phone was with satya, he said"satya please put the call in speaker. Satya did.

Krishna said"hello ram bhai".

Ram said"get ready for punishment dear".

Krishna said"what".

Ram said"your gf is super angry with you".

Krishna said"why what happened ".

Ram said" You didn't wait for her arrival that's why "

Krishna said"bhai please convey her I can see cartoon for whole day and eating chocolate".

Ram said"I will not convey her she is your gf so get ready I am waiting to see you seeing her favorite cartoon come fast only 1 hour is remain to start cartoon if you don't come than you have to sleep out of house".

Krishna said"please bhai".

Ram said"no come fast bye".

Ram cut the call. Parth yagna and satya look at him.

Parth said"who is she I meet you every girlfriend but who is she and what about rukmini ".

Krishna said" Parth I will tell all later now I should be at home."

Saying he ran toward his car and drive it.

Rukmini came and said"where is Krishna".

Satya said"he has gone to home he had important work that's why".

Rukmini said"ok I must leave now"

Rukmini goes then parth ask"why you didn't tell truth"

Satya said"parth dont you know what Krishna said he said na that he will tell us later the truth so lets wait or rukmini will get hurt ".

Parth and yagna nodded. Parth said" Come I will drop you "

Three goes near car and he drop satya and yagna home and went to his home.

Parth came and said"maa where are you".

Pritha said"what happened parth"

Parth said"maa I am hungry ".

Pritha said" Come I made food get fresh and have it".

Naksh came and said"prince Charming today also late why".

Parth said"nothing just doing important decision ".

Naksh said" Ok come fast ".

Parth get freshed and went down and they start to have dinner with talks about there days.

Suddenly parth phone rang. He picked up call and said" What happened Krishna now say me clearly "

Krishna said"you just hear me call our friends and tell them to come earlier and meet near our favourite place in college".

Parth said" But why and did you reached home"..

Krishna said"yes I am near my home and why I will tell you tomorrow bye" . And cut the call.

Parth said"Krishna Krishna hello" He see call is cut.

Pritha ask"what happened parth"

Parth said"today Krishna is gone how I don't know"..

Pritha said"what happened him".

Parth said"don't know maa".

Pranit said"leave have dinner".

Parth nodded. And they have dinner.

In yadav house:

Krishna came inside and said "where is she".

Ram pointed toward her room.revathi said" After you fight over come to have dinner ".

They nodded ram and Krishna goes near her room.

He knocked the door.

One voice came" Came inside ".

To be continued.

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