18~new feelings❤

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Next morning.

Parth get up and get ready fast and goes down and had his breakfast .

Parth take blessing from pritha and pranit they both were shock as parth new did it. After that parth left to college. He started his bike and leave to his college.

He goes inside college and goes near krishna rukmini satya and yagna. He didn't see subha there.

Parth ask"didn't you sister came today krishna".

Krishna said"she just now goes in library with vrushali".

Parth said"ok krishna you go to class i will be right back".

Krishna said"ok yagna satya rukmini lets go".

They three nodded. Yagna look at parth and left with krishna.yagna feel parth start ingore her for subha her angry raise towards subha.

Parth was about to enter in library when subha came out from library. Subha look at him she smiled bright seeing him. Her heart beat fast seeing him. Parth see her and thought now my day will became beautiful.
Subha and parth were looking at each other.

Suddenly someone by mistakely push Parth. Parth loss his balance he move forward and held subha but she get hit by wall because of parth weight now in front of her face was parth face there face were inches away.

Unknowingly parth hand goes near her waist and subha too his chest. They both were starring at each other. Parth and subha try many time to break eye lock but they can't. There eye lock was broken by bell rang.

They both realised there position and got seperate. They both avoid to look at each other. Then parth spoke"yesterday you bracelet left with me". Forwarding her bracelet.

Subha said"thanks ".while taking it.
She try to wear it but she fail. Parth was looking at her .

Parth said" Can i help you".

Subha nodded. Parth take her hand and bracelet he gently place bracelet in her hand.

Subha said"thank you".

Parth with evergreen smiled said"you're welcome subha".

Subha ask "dont you have your lecture".

Parth said" Yes I have but i came to return you your bracelet".

Subha smiled sweetly and said"you are so sweet ".

Parth smiled shyly said" You are so cute ".

Subha smiled

Vrushali came and smiled mischievously and said" Come subha lecture will start in 5 minute".

Subha said"ok".

Subha look at parth and said"bye".

Parth said"bye".he was lost in her eyes. Vrushali noticed everything but decided to keep quiet but she smiled mischievously then she and subha goes to class. Before going Subha turned back and look at parth and smile. Parth smiled back. Then both goes to there class.

Parth pov:

What is happening me i should talk with diya bhabhi she can suggest me and I should ask her what is happening with me.

Subha pov:

What is happening me i can't share it with bhai to then with whom I should I share.

Vrushali said"parth was completely lost in you".

Subha gave confused look.

Vrushali said"I mean i think he love you".

ARSU :LOVE IS SACRIFICEWhere stories live. Discover now