14~midnight talks❤

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Suddenly parth received a message he immediately look an for his luck it was of subha.

She said"hi".

Parth said"did you eat".

She said"yes you".

Parth said"yes is your angry cool down".

Subha said"yes".

Parth said"good I heared that you will come to meet us".

Subha said "yes I will on tomorrow.

Party said" Great".

Subha send "😊😊"..

Parth said" You are sometime angry person does you have a really bf". He ask trying to ask whether she is in love Or not.

Subha said"no ".

Parth said" Why do not you find your love".

Subha said"don't know but you got".

Parth said"no subha I didn't get I just ask yagna one time for date and I don't know she have huge crush on me now I am irritated ".

Subha said" So parth kapoor didnt find his love".

Parth said"yes I think my lucky is bad".

Suba said"we can't say like that god will definitely have some plans for you I am sure he will give you what you deserve don't get stressed ".

Parth said" You are true but god is never in my side".

Subha said"just wait and see".

Parth said"ok if you say then I will definitely ".

Subha send" 🤗🤗".

Parth said"didn't anyone proposed you".

Subha said"I got 1 Propasal in a day".

Parth said"really".

Subha said"yes, but you say you don't love yagna then what will happen when you will find you love then how will you manage yagna".

Parth said "I will see when I fine her".

Subha said" I wish you a good luck".

Parth said"thanks ".

Subha daid" You're welcome parth".

Parth said"ok now you sleep bye good night subha if you sleep soon then you will come to our home in morning."

Subha said"yes parth you too sleep good night bye"

And they both off there phone.

Subha think"so my think was true but what will happen we parth will find love ".

Parth said" It's great she don't love anyone I will wait to understand my feelings toward you subha".

They both though about each other and sleep.

To be continued

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