11~subha knows truth❤

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Subha collided with the man angrily said"who are you".

Subha said"that i don't need to say to you".

Man said"behave do you know who I am".

Subha said"oh so tell me who are you".

Man said"I am rukmi vidharba".

Subha clap and said"sorry to say I didn't know you so move from my way".subha goes from there.

Rukmi said"who is she I never see her in college how can i didn't see her she look beautiful".

Rukmi friend shewath came and said"she is krishna yadav sister".

Rukmi said"great now krishna should cry for her".

Shewath smiled.

Subhadra was going toward fountain she decided to wear earphone so other can think she didn't hear what they said and she don't need to react. She wear it and goes near fountain. She hug krishna. Parth was were happy to see her why he too don't know. Subha was also were happy to see him.

Krishna said"princess I can't come home soon because my extra lecture is there so you can go home".

Subha said"ok l will ".

Satya said" Come her subha".she hug .

Subha said"morning I didn't get chance to talk to you ".

Satya said" Yes let it be say how was your day".

Subha said"best ".she said to make them happy but she didn't enjoy full day. But she smiled.

Subha see one girl and ask" Bhai who is she_.

Krishna said"she is yagna my friend ".

Subha recall kavya word she decided not to take to her much or else she will get angry if she get no body can manages it so she just smiled.

Yagna see her and smiled with insecurity. Then she look at parth and see him smiling at subha then she said" And i am his gf".

Subha was expecting this only she just smiled and nodded. But inside her heart a unknown pain come she too don't know why she cleared it. But parth was really irrated by yagna behavior.

Satya said"subha were are your friends rohan and riya".

Subha said"they are in old college only ".

Satya smiled. Krishna see his sister looking at college .

Krishna said" Are you waiting for someone ".

Subha said" Yes my new and first friend in college ".

Krishna smiled.

Subha said" Come sit my friend will come".

They sit subha was sit quietly other think she is listening music.

Rukmini ask"why didn't you tell her that we are going for movie ".

All ask the same.

Krishna said" She is very sensitive if she gets to know I am not attending lecture she will tell it to family and then all will start giving me lecture that's why so please dont say".

All nodded.

Rukmini said"that means you didn't tell her that i am your gf am i right".

Krishna said"yes I will tell after sometime".

Unknown to them subha hear everything she controlled herself to hear further.

Parth said"say slowly what it she hears".

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