Chapter six

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Alyssa Pov

Another day! Another day another job where I'm with my friends. I'm starting to warm up around all of them I'm not being completely shy like I was my first day.

I put on my work clothes, eat a quick breakfast and then head in my car. I had to Hen and Karen's house because I have to bring Danny to school since Hen had to go in for an early shift and Karen needs to be at work 20 minutes before they drop off Danny.

"Hey" I say to Karen Who is at the front porch waiting for me

"Thank you so much, I would have been able to bring him to school but I got called in early" she says and I nod

"It's totally fine, I called Bobby and told Hen told him also. He's fine with me coming in late as long as it's not two hours late. The latest he said was an hour and a half" I say and she nods

"Ok, thank you again. I have to go, he's already dressed and ready to go. He's watching TV in The living room. He already ate breakfast. So all you have to do is bring him to school when it's time. Ok bye" she says and I nod. She runs to her car and drive so work. I had inside the house to find Danny watching TV, already for school

"Hey Danny" I say

"Alyssa" he says and runs up to me and gives me the biggest hug

"You ready for school" I ask him

"Yeah but I rather spend time with you" he says and I smile

"I know but I have to get to work soon. I didn't have work and you didn't have school I would spend the whole day with you" I say and he smiles

"I know, can we make cookies later when you're done with your job for the day" he asks

"Maybe but I have to see what time I finish and if it's ok with your moms. Maybe I'll just bring you cookies instead" I say and he looks sad

"What wrong" I asks I am starting to get concerned. He never looks sad around me

"I want to make them with you, they're fun to make when you're around. You always add special ingredients, no one else does that" he says sad. I always say I'm adding ingredients like love, rainbows, and then things that you would see in kid shows. I would call ingredients that instead of what they're really called make it a little more fun.

"Hey, i'll see what I can do" I say and he nod

"Now Little man it's time for school" I say and he nods. He got in my car and I drive him to school. Once he safe in the building I text both Hen and Karen letting them know he's safe. They both like that I text them whenever I drop them off or pick them up from places.

I make my way to the fire house but when I get there I noticed they're not there. They're on a call, it's empty ugh. This is what you get for coming in late, lol. I go to the little workout section and I work out for a little bit. I usually go for runs in the mornings around town. I do some stretches to get my body warmed up for the day. I didn't even notice they got back from the call

"Hey" I say

"You workout" Buck asks me and I nod

"I usually go for runs around my neighborhood but today I didn't. Not really the greatest doing it this way but yeah" I say and he nods

"Hey I can give you some tips, being in the army I had to work out a lot" Eddie says and I nod

"I would like a lot" I say and he nods. Everyone else goes their separate ways but me and Eddie do some workouts

"Ok so One that I do a lot is push-ups" he says and he starts doing them. Damm he hot, omg Alyssa stop!

"Now you try" he says and try, turns out I'm really good at them and I didn't know! Before I can do anything else the bell rings! I grab my gear and hop in the truck. When we get there two girls come running out obviously drunk

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