Chapter eight

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Alyssa Pov

"Morning everyone" I say as I walk upstairs

"Morning Alyssa" they says before I can before I can even settle the bell rings and we head in the trucks. When we get there, we are hope out of the truck and I recognize this woman instantly, omg, omg!!

"Do any of you have a pen, I've got a partial license plate. Someone should write it down" she says

"Don't worry about the license plate ma'am, it's right here on the back of the car" Eddie says and I keep my distance a little bit

"Not this car, the car that hit me" she says and we look confused

"Uh wait this isn't the car that hit you" Buck asks

"No, this is the car that ran me over. Better be insured" she says

"Let's just focus on getting you out of here first ma'am" Eddie says

"Can you tell me your name" Buck asks her

"Lorraine" she says and I back up a little bit more and keeping my distance. I don't wanna get noticed by her because I know she'll expose my real name. She was always known for being stupid as one with talking. She was say stuff at times she shouldn't say it

"Hey wait don't you know you" Hen asks and I see Lorraine get nervous

"No I don't, I don't, I don't think so" she nervous, she's also very bad at lying

"Last year, Hancock Park" Hen says

"That's right, I never forget a femur" Chim says

"It's The damn porch pirate" Athena says, I only met her once and that was on a call. I'm nervous to introduce myself to her because she always looks so serious. I want her to like me for when the truth comes out

We get her on a gurney and ready to transfer to hospital. I still keep hidden but I hope she does not see me, cause there's nowhere for me really to hide

"Guess you moved up from fortunes to parking lot, huh, Lorraine? What's your scam" Athena says

"I went to my court mandate treatment. I'm completely cured. Haven't saw a package in months" I hear her say

"Mhm-hmm, I heard you saddled with that Home owner" Athena says

"The how she fell in front of when she was package stealing" Hen says

"I didn't realize you could sue someone for being injured during the commission of a felony" Chimney says. As they start wheeling her back to the ambulance I slowly start heading to the door to open on the truck. Thankfully she does not see me or calls out my name.

"You ok" my dad asks me

"Yeah, I know her and she knows me, my real name and I was scared that she was gonna call my real name out when she saw me" I say and he looks at me confused

"Ill tell you the story when I feel ready to, it's about my kidnapping time" I say and he nods. We hop in the truck and head back to the fire house. I help put some stuff away and then I go onto the women's locker room and sit on the bench

"Hey you ok" Eddie asks me standing at the door

"Yeah, i'm fine" I say

"Well, you didn't look fine on the call today. You looked nervous" he says and I nod

"I was, I knew her. I knew her during my growing up days" I say and he looks at me

"Wait really, you know the porch pirate" he says shocked

"Yeah except she wasn't the porch pirate she was the annoying Lorraine! Known for saying things at the wrong time and spilling the tea" I say and he looks at me

"She seems like that" Eddie says

"Yup" I say, before he says the bell rings

"Let's go" Bobby says and we head to the call. Riot at a cemetery, yay, ugh!

"Sir i'm just gonna examine you for a second here" my dad says and examines the guy laying on the ground

"Oh okay, we got a colostomy bag probably backing up. You're gonna have to intubate him. Sir just try to relax. These paramedics here are going to attend to you" my dad says

"Oh hell no" he says to Hen as she is about to work on him. Really!

"You do it" the guys says to my dad

"Sir, i'm not a trained paramedic. I can't intubate you. They can" my dad says

"I'm fine" the guy says

"Sir you're not fine. Your bowel is probably obstructed, the contents of your colostomy bag are backing up into your system. You're about to choke on your own waist. You will suffocate and die" Chim says and goes near the guy

"Get away" the guy says, oh I wanna punch him

"Okay Sir if you refuse care, you cannot administer it by force" Bobby says

"What about him" He asks pointing to Diaz

"Diaz" my dad says

"Diaz, what kind of name is that" the guy asks

"My fathers from Mexico, my mother Swedish. I can help you out with the Swedish half. But no one told me which half that is" Eddie says and the guy nods no

"Her" he says pointing to me and they look at me

"Alyssa" Bobby says and I look at them! I never done something like this before, I heard about it but I've never done it before.

"Yeah" he says and I nod. Before I even get to him I notice he starts looking a little weird

"He's gonna aspirate" I say and they look at me. I push Hen and Chim back a little with me as he about to aspirate

"And he's aspirating" I say as we back up

"Actual diarrhea of the mouth. Outstanding" Chim says and I look at him like really

"Ok, let's get to work" I say and they nod

"Let me roll him over! 3,2,1" Eddie says and we roll him over

"We got to move him to the truck" Hen says and we do so. We take him to the hospital and I stay back to Bobby and Buck

"Well done" a girl with brown hair says

"Right, your ride along with us today. Cap this is my sister Maddie" Buck says, siblings ok. Please see if she's nothing like Buck

"Great to finally meet you" Maddie says

"Yeah, you too. I've heard nothing but wonderful things about you" Maddie says

"Well don't believe everything your little brother tells you" Bobby says

"I meant from her" Maddie says and Athen a walks over to us

"Oh Maddie this is Alyssa, she just started working with us recently" Buck says

"Nice to meet you Alyssa" Maddie says

"Nice to meet you too" I say and she smiles

"Ah well, The feeling is mutual" my dad says and I look at him

"What" he says and I shrug

"Shes something. She never let anything get to her" Maddie says

"Get to me? Do you know how many times and given day somebody's got the opportunity to get to me. If I start letting them get to me, I'm going to make it past breakfast. Which reminds me we should eat" Athena says

"Eat? You want to eat after that" Maddie says

"It's Lunch time" Athena says and give Bobby at loving look and then me are you threatening one! What was that for?

A/N: to chapter posted in one day!

Oh Athena gave Alyssa a threatening look! What is up with that?

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