27. Bittersweet Reunions

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Catherine's P. O. V

I sat at my desk, surrounded by piles of papers and lists, as I worked on finalizing the plans for the upcoming annual meet. With just two weeks left, there was still so much to do. I had to make sure that all the packs were properly invited, and that all the necessary arrangements were made for the event.

As I worked, my mind wandered to the ongoing training of the werewolves. The intensity of the training had increased in the past few days, as we had received reports of rogue wolves causing trouble in the nearby woods. We couldn't afford to let any rogue wolves disrupt the annual meet, so I had ordered the elite team to take care of the situation.

But just when I thought everything was under control, a report came in of a dead body found in the same woods where the rogues were spotted. My heart sank as I realized that the situation was far more serious than I had anticipated.

I immediately called in the elite team and gave them their mission: to investigate the murder and find out who was behind it. As the team set out on their mission, I knew that time was running out. With the annual meet just two weeks away, I couldn't afford any more setbacks or delays.

For the next few days, I worked tirelessly, coordinating with the packs, and overseeing the intensive training of the wolves. I also kept in close contact with the elite team, receiving regular updates on their progress in the investigation.

Soon it was the day of the annual meet, the most anticipated and dreaded event for me personally.

As I watched the packs arrive, I couldn't help but feel a sense of worry creeping in. The reason why I was being wary was because my old pack was among them, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I would be exposed as the white wolf with supernatural powers. I had kept my identity a secret for years, and the thought of it being revealed was terrifying.

But that was not the only worry on my mind. I also had to face my ex-mate, the one who had rejected me, and my own blood, my brother James, who had denied me as his sister, the pack who bullied me thinking I murdered my parents while in truth I was in the trauma of losing my parents and blaming myself because I couldn't stop it.

I was just a helpless kid, yet they thought that I was capable of miraculously saving them. In fact, I would have if only I was strong enough. The thought of not saving my parents from getting murdered still haunts me to the day.

Having to see them again made me angry and hurt, but I was determined to show them that I was not to be messed with.

As I walked through the crowds, I caught sight of my old pack, and my heart skipped a beat. They were unaware that I was watching them or so I thought.

I saw I could feel my powers stirring within me, and I knew that I had to keep them under control.

I can see the Alpha introducing everyone, yet my old pack was curious. Maybe to find out who the new Luna of the strongest pack. I loved that they were unaware of it, and I loved the thrill. Slowly when Alexander was almost done, I walked towards them. All heads turned to look at me. My pack wore a proud, happy face and were grinning from ear to ear as they were excited to see the drama unfold.

As I stood by Alpha Alexander's side, I could feel the eyes of my old pack upon me. I could sense their curiosity and suspicion, and it made me even more determined to prove myself.

One by one, Alexander introduced the packs to me, each with their own unique title. The Silver Moon pack, known for their strength and loyalty. The Red River pack, known for their fierce determination. And finally, my own BlackStone pack, known for our unwavering dedication to protecting our own.

I took a deep breath and faced my old pack with a determined gaze. They may have rejected me in the past, but I was no longer the same scared and insecure girl. I was a powerful Alpha Female, and they would see that I was not to be messed with.

But I pushed those thoughts aside as I stepped forward to stand by Alpha Alexander, the Alpha of the Black Stone pack, and my family by my side. I took a deep breath and addressed the crowd.

"Welcome, werewolves of all packs. I am Catherine, the Alpha Female of the Black Stone pack. It is an honor to stand before you all today."

As I introduced myself as the Alpha Female of the Black Stone pack, I could feel the weight of my past bearing down on me. Memories flooded back to me - of the rejection and betrayal I had faced from my old pack, of the pain and heartache I had endured.

But as I looked around me, at the strong and loyal family I had created, I felt a sense of pride and strength. I was not alone anymore. I had a pack that respected and supported me, and a family that loved and stood by me.

And as I stood there, side by side with  Alexander, with my family by my side, I knew that my future was bright. The challenges of the past had made me stronger, and I was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

I could feel the tension in the air as my old pack watched me closely. But I refused to let their suspicion get to me. Instead, I continued.

As I continued to scan the crowd, my eyes landed on my ex-mate, Brandon, who stood in the middle of the pack. I could feel my anger simmering just beneath the surface, but I quickly pushed it aside. I had bigger things to worry about than my past with him.

Then, there was Gamma Maya, the pack's healer, who was known for her gentle demeanor and caring nature. Next was Delta Jason, the pack's tracker, who was renowned for his ability to hunt down any prey.

Finally, I caught sight of my brother, James, who stood at the back of the pack, watching me with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. I felt a pang of hurt in my chest as I remembered the day, he had denied me as his sister, thinking that I had lied about being Brandon's soulmate.

"I know that many of you may be wondering why I left my old pack and joined the Black Stone pack. The truth is, I needed to find a place where I could truly be myself, where I could embrace my powers and my identity without fear of persecution or judgment."

I paused for a moment, letting my words sink in before continuing.

"Joining the Black Stone pack has given me that opportunity, and I am proud to stand here today as an Alpha Female alongside Alpha Alexander. Together, we will ensure that all werewolves are treated with respect and dignity, and that our powers are used for good, not evil."

As I finished my speech, I could sense the mood in the crowd shifting. The tension was slowly dissipating, and I knew that I had successfully made my point. I looked over at Alpha Alexander and my family, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over me. Despite all the challenges I had faced in my past, I had finally found a place where I belonged and a family who accepted me for who I was.



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