3. Doubts

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It's been exactly 15 minutes since I have started walking through this woods and I'm panting already. I pause my steps for a moment to catch my breath.

How long till I get to the car? I wonder.

I resume my walking, taking a longer stride, to reach the car faster.

In a few moments, I see a car in my sight. I can see someone pacing in front of the car and instantly, I become nervous.

Soon, the person stops pacing and looks around, probably sniffing, catching my scent. Obviously, he is a werewolf, you dumbwit. My mind retorted.

Shut up! I screamed back at my mind.

I was broken from my internal battle when I heard his voice.

I can see him walking towards me, cautiously. Is he worried about me? I wonder.

As soon as he reached me, I was pulled into a hug. My hands stuck to my side with my duffel in my hands. Practically, I am being squished by a hunk.

"I can't breathe" I whisper, struggling to find my voice.

"I am sorry Catherine. I am just relieved that you're here, safe and sound. Chase told me about you, everything. I am sorry for what happened to you" He apologized. 

He seemed genuine. But I found it difficult to trust him in the first meeting. I will see how it goes before I trust someone completely. I am adamant that I wouldn't repeat the same mistake twice.

"You don't have to be sorry. It was not you mistake, that I was born into that pack" I muttered, tears brimming my eyes.

He noticed my eyes and soon wrapped me into a hug. I dropped the bag on to the ground and hugged him back. I needed that. 

I felt him go stiff all of a sudden and I instantly knew he was mind-linking someone.

I felt him relax after a minute.

"It was Chase. He was asking me whether you reached. I told him, I got you and we were just about to make a move" He explained.

I sighed in happiness knowing that he was worried about me. It was something new for me, to know that someone is there to worry about me. It gives me a sense of security and more importantly, it feels good to know that someone cares, after all I am not unwanted.

"Let's get you out of this hell hole. Shall we?" he asked showing me his teeth.

He was way too excited. I gave him a small smile and followed suit. We walked few steps and reached where he had parked his car in the side of the road, almost hidden behind the sign board. No one can know if there was a car hidden behind it until they look carefully.

On reaching the car, he ushered me to the passenger seat, not before throwing my duffel to the trunk. He held open the door for me to get in, which I silently obliged.

He shut the door and sauntered to the driver seat and started the ignition. The car roared to life, he slowly moved the car on to the road.

I looked out of the window, leaning on the side, feeling the cool breeze hit my face. 

I was finally free. I thought.

I felt a hand on my knees. I turned my head to look and saw that he was looking at me with a sad smile.

"Don't worry. You'll love it where we are going. Black Stone Pack will love you. In fact they love you already. They were very excited when I told them that I was going to pick you up" he said excitedly.

His words calmed me down, but I had a surprised look, when I realized what he just said.

"Don't look surprised, everyone knows you ever since Chase called the Alpha telling about you. The Alpha announced the pack of your arrival" he said making me nervous.

"They will hate me when they see my face" I mumbled, but due to his heightened hearing he caught on to it.

He squeezed my knees making me look at him.

"Trust me they won't. They wouldn't judge you by your looks, instead they judge you for your character and from what we know, you're an angel. Believe it or not, you're an innocent soul who got rejected by your pack, the one whom you called your family and to top it all, your own blood failed to know you. It's their loss" He said reassuring me.

His words bought some comfort to me.

I pondered over his words and I wished that the Black Stone Pack will accept me.

I turned my head towards him abruptly when I realized something " You never told me your name" I accused him, frowningly.

"You never asked" he snorted.

"Fine, tell me your name" I demanded.

"Hmmm.. Fine, I will tell you. Since you asked nicely" He winked at me before continuing "I am Ethan Lewis, Gamma of Black Stone Pack, at your service, M'Lady" he bowed dramatically while driving with his left hand.

I laughed at his attempt but soon stopped as I realised that he was a high ranking wolf and I was in his presence. I started sweating profusely wondering what if he was like Him?

"Hey, relax. I am not going to hurt you" he whispered softly, trying to calm me down.

"I'm sorry. I just had a rough past" I explained.

"It's okay, don't think about the past. Think about your future" he said, making me doubt about everything.

I mean, yesterday I was being beaten by my pack for being useless and for not serving the dinner in time and today I left the pack to start a new life.

Who ever thought? I wondered.

"To say the truth, I am terrified. What if they find me? Will they take me back? If they take me back, will they hurt me? Do they know that I am missing? Are they searching for me? Is my brother even missing me? I don't know" I babbled.

"Trust me, they won't. The Alpha and Luna made sure to make arrangements for that as well. So you're safe" He explained.

I thanked them internally.

"You should sleep. It'll take us a while to reach the pack grounds"

I just hummed and leaned my head on the window and closed my eyes, thinking of all the things that happened in my life.


That is the end of the chapter. How was it guys? Hope you enjoyed it.

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