14. Pets, News and Thoughts

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I woke to a tickling sensation on my face. I sat up startled only to find a small kitten licking my face. I picked up the kitten and kept it close to me and noticed it was a female one. It was too cute for me to let go of it. I wonder who left it here?

"Where are you from kitty?" I asked the kitten but she just meowed at me in response.

I snuggled it close to my face when the door to my room opened and in came Ethan strutting with just his pants on and his shirt was missing.

"You found her huh?" Ethan asked as he sat down beside me as he set the cup of coffee beside my nightstand and took hold of the kitten from my hands.

"Yeah, she woke me up. I haven't seen her around. Does she live here?" I asked making Ethan grin.

I simply raised my eyebrows at him indicating I didn't understand what he meant.

"She is yours," He said with a cheeky grin.

"No way!" I exclaimed, snuggling the kitten to my chest.

"It's your welcome gift" He replied.

"Really? What's her name?" I asked enthusiastically.

"I thought since she is yours, you could do the honors" he stated.

"How about Milo?" I asked.

"Perfect. Milo, it is"

"How about you get ready? We can go around and meet the pack. All are waiting eagerly to meet you" Ethan suggested.

"Alright. Give me 20 minutes" I said and stood up from the bed.

"I will meet you in the lounge," I said dismissing him.

"As you wish"


"It's amazing to have you back. We missed you" Chase mumbled as he pulled me into a hug.

Right now we were gathered in the pack house living room waiting for dad to make an announcement. We were meeting with the pack when dad summoned us all. 

I sat on the love seat with Chase hugging me close to him. Jane and Ethan seem to be arguing over something. John has yet to come. Joseph is standing in the entrance observing everyone.

Just then dad came striding in. "Has everyone arrived?" he demanded in his Alpha voice.

"Yes," Chase answered in response.

"So I have news. For some of you, this might come as a surprise but this is as it is. And right now I don't want any questions. I will explain the details after I announce it to the pack also. But since you are my inner members I am letting you know first" Dad ranted seriously while I kept on wondering what this chaos is all about.

"Alex is coming home in two weeks. He said that he is ready to take over the pack" I heard gasps around the room.

"Man, that's amazing" Ethan grinned in happiness.

"I am glad he accepted to come home, Alpha" Chase commented with a smile.

"Well, I am too. Thank the Moon Goddess, finally something good is happening in his life!" Mom chanted in happiness.

I am happy too, knowing that the future Alpha will be home, taking his rightful position. Something in the back of mind is pushing me and making me feel all giddy. I guess, the happiness of my family is affecting me through our bond.

You wish. My wolf replied.

"Well, I will take charge of welcoming him. Barbecue night is me, the day he arrives. We will have it in my place" I suggested.

All agreed in unison.


Soon, the news was delivered to the pack,  which turned into a celebration on the arrival of their future Alpha.

One week after the announcement, the pack got busy.

All the pack members involved themselves in the arrangement of welcoming the Alpha. I was given the duty of doing patrols along with Ethan and the group. We had to make sure there are no threats.

I had to close all the exits on the east, west and north side of the territory by putting a protection spell. It came as a surprise that I had some skills where I could chant some spells and do some magic. It is one of the skills a white wolf possess. 

I put some block around the territory as a second layer of protection. It will be invisible to naked eye. So for anyone who doesn't know about the block will ram their body on the barriers and sent them flying through the air, due to the shock emitted. It will only add to their confusion because they can see the  things through the barrier.

Dad and mom were busy inviting few Alphas to the pack for the party. But many of them refused due to the threats of the rogues. They didn't want to leave the pack vulnerable. Few of them agreed. Unfortunately, Trent and Caiden will also not be attending as they gone to assist their neighboring  territory.

Damian and Rose will be attending. At least I will be having company, when the rest of them will be busy with Alexander.

"What are you thinking about?" Ethan asked as he throws his arms on my shoulders, walking me back to my home.

"Just about Alpha's return" I replied before I could think.

"What about it?" Ethan probed.

"Just have a feeling that something good is going to happen with his arrival" I mindlessly replied what I was feeling the whole time.

"Yeah, it is going to be amazing. He always had a vision of how he would run the pack, ever since he started the Alpha training. Unfortunately, he had to give up within few months, due to his mate's death. Honestly,  I never expected him to come back. The news of arrival means the Moon Goddess has planned something for the pack"

"I hope so" I wished in mind.

"Everything is about to change" he said, dropping me on my door.

What I did not know was that his words were going to be true and that my life would change on his arrival.


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