11. No Pain, No Gain

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"Are you ready?" Caiden asked, entering my room.

"I think so?" It came out as a question rather than an answer.

"Hey, you're going to do great" he consoled me.

"I don't know. What if all these were just a myth?" I asked, confused.

"Stop thinking negatively. Everything is going to be alright and we all are there with you" he said trying to cheer me up.

"And for the record, this is not a myth. If it was, we wouldn't have prepared you for this moment only for you to get your heart broken" he said in a determined way.

"I know. You're right. I need to take a deep breath. I can do this. I have my family and friends with me"

"That's right. You do"

"Come on. Let's go. All are waiting for you" he said giving me his arms for me to take, which I gladly accepted.

Today was my birthday. I turned twenty. Also, something was going to change today for which all are waiting so impatiently. It was a big deal for everyone.

My family planned a grand party in NightFall Shadow Pack. It was because I haven't completed my training yet. According to them, I will be going into the second phase today. There were four packs present here. Black Stone Pack, Hollow Angel Pack, Mountain Ash Pack, NightFall Shadow Pack. 

All the important people are here for this day, which we have been anticipating. Now, all we have to do is wait for things to happen.

The Alphas are present here except for Alpha Alexander.  The Alphas were the ones who was going to guide me through whatever was going to happen.

"Here comes our little birdie" It was Alpha Marco of Mountain Ash Pack.

He is also one of my trainer other than Trent and Caiden Let's just say, like them, he is also one of my closest friend whom I can rely on. At first, I thought he was a strict Alpha, but again he proved me wrong. As we became close, he showed his soft side.

But he was pretty harsh when it came to the training. He comes around every two months, along with his mate, Rose.

Speaking of which, she was nowhere to be seen. I am shocked. Ever since he found his mate six months back, he was possessive of her. He never lets her out of his site. And today seeing him alone without her in his arms is something shocking.

"Marco" I whispered softly.

He pulled me into a hug.

"Happy Birthday little birdie" he wished me.

He pulled out of the hug and handed me a box wrapped in a gift paper.

"Thank you. But you didn't have to get me anything" I scolded him.

"How can I not? You don't turn twenty every day. Now do you?" he teased me.

I just surprised him by hugging him again.

"It's my turn" I heard Ethan say and I pulled out of the hug to see him grinning.

He rushed to my side and tackled me into a hug.

"Happy birthday girl" he wished.

His smile was contagious. 

"Thank you"

One by one started hugging me, wishing me. I thanked all of them and kept all the gifts on the table to my right side as I couldn't hold them altogether anymore.

"How do you like it?" Mom asked standing next to me.

All the others have spread out and are talking to one another and I was left alone with mom.

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