18. Rendezvous & Confession Part - 2

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Sorry for making you all wait. I was busy with my online classes since the pandemic started. And I was occupied with the assignments in the rest of my time. I apologize for not updating sooner.

I promise to try to update often.

Anyways do enjoy this chapter!

Have fun reading...


I pushed him off me, making him fall off the bed. I sat up straight and I was embarrassed. I was having feelings for the Alpha.

Just kill me already. I thought.

'I don't think so' my wolf commented.

Okay. You need to shut it. I reprimand my wolf.

"I really can't believe you're the Alpha" I murmured slowly, unable to process that bit of information.

"Why?" he asked.

"I don't know. I just have this weird feeling when you are near me. It's all so confusing. How is that possible? As far as history goes, I only have one true mate. And he happened to reject me. I don't understand how come you feel that. And what about you?" 

"I know. Even I am confused okay. Let's just go with the flow. I don't know how or when this happened, but it seems my wolf seems to feel some sort of connection to you and I can't seem to understand why. " he spoke out but his gaze never met mine making me weary of him.

"Wow! I don't know what to say" I said exasperatedly.

"Hey, relax. We are in this together. I will help you research and we can try getting to know each other in the meantime. You can come to my house if you want to spend some time and figure this out if you want to, that is" he suggested.

"No, let's not meet in your place. You're the Alpha. People always come and go. Us being in the same space might give people the wrong idea" I was worried people might say that I am being his plaything.

No way in hell, am I going to give them the wrong idea just because we have some sort of weird connection going on between us. At least not until we have this whole thing figured out.

"You don't have to worry about the pack. I'll handle them. But if you're comfortable no problem. But we need a place to hang out without any disturbance. We can do it in the packhouse because it is always filled with the pack members. So do you have any suggestions?" he inquired.

"We can meet at my place," I said which he instantly agreed.

"Listen, whatever is going on has a rational explanation. So let's not get ahead of ourselves. You and I don't share anything. It's strictly going to be professional. So please don't expect anything from me, because I am not the person. I am still not over the death of my mate" he spoke firmly.

"Look, you don't have to tell me twice. I am not looking for anything, least of all with you. You are an Alpha for Moon Goddess sake. Why would you think like that? The important thing is I hate Alphas, especially people like you. You just assume that women need you. Hell no. I don't. I despise men who think they are above everything. I am not like others who fall for men at the sight of their stupid faces " I retorted back.

"Okay, I am just going to ignore the fact that you called me stupid because we are on the same page" he agreed.

I was surprised he agreed so quickly.

"Just like that?" I asked again to make sure I didn't hear it wrongly.

"Yeah. I understand. In a way you are right.   I am sure the others filled you in on my past. I am way past it but getting into a new relationship needs a whole lot of effort physically as well as mentally, which I am sure, I am not ready yet. So whatever I said don't take it personally?"

I get that he wasn't over his dead mate but I couldn't complain exactly because I don't think I have forgotten my ex-mate.

No freaking way would I get involved with the heart just like that only to get my heart broken later on. I was hurt once and I wouldn't repeat the same mistake twice.

I deserve better than that.

If life was cruel to me, destiny was cruel to him.

We both lost our mates. We both were hurt. We went through immense pain. We died and we reborn. So we deserve our share of happiness.

But that doesn't mean that we were going to be each other's rebound. I am glad we got that cleared.

"Okay. I agree" I replied giving him a small smile.

He started to speak but we were interrupted by the knock on the door.

Whoever it was on the other side will probably face the big bad Alpha's wrath for being an intruder.

I mentally laughed and put some space between us while he went to check the door. I could hear the doorknob rattling before the door was wide open.

"What are you doing here?" I head the Alpha's angry voice, meanwhile I was laughing at the person's ill fate of being in front of the Alpha at this moment.

I wondered who it was.

Soon I heard the footsteps and two sets of feet lay before my eyes. I looked up and I was shocked to see the person.

"You?" I squeaked out in surprise.

I'm a goner now. I thought. 

The idea of keeping whatever was between us just flew out of the window. 

I wonder how am I going to get out of this without giving away any of it.


So that's the end of the chapter.

I hope you all enjoyed.




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