15. Unfamiliar Face and Strange Feelings

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Trick or Treat???

Hmm... Let's see!

Read to find out ;)


Finally, the night came when I would be hosting the barbecue. The pack members kept coming in and few males went around the backyard lending hand in any heavy work, whereas the females sauntered into the kitchen to help with the food.

Mom and Jane took the responsibility of cooking for the whole pack. While I was begged by the boys to make my famous lasagna which they die for and I agreed because today was a special day. Normally, I would make them during our get together when Caiden and Trent comes home for visiting.

Since I finished with my preparations, I walked around the house making sure everything was in its place. Now I am walking through the backyard instructing the males to set the table and chairs for supper.

I have arranged for the bonfire, where the kids are circling it singing songs along with few teenagers. Some kids are playing in the kids area which I set up with few toys.

Elders are talking among themselves, laughing and sharing their old memories.

The whole pack was happy. Finally relieved that their Alpha had returned home after five long years of solitude.

Alpha reached the pack today morning. But I haven't had the chance to meet him yet as I had to go for the patrol during his arrival. Only I went to make sure the spells were intact. The block I had around the territory was removed only after few hours of his arrival.

The special fact about the spell was that anyone whom I allow can get through the territory. They need my acceptance to enter the land, the reason why Alpha entered without any hindrance.

After his arrival, few of the neighboring Alphas arrived and they had to go into a meeting. Along with the high ranked members. I was also supposed to attend but I decided to stay back for the pack's safety.

We had Luna of the other packs whose safety was mine to ensure and I needed to be alert in case anything happened.

"What are you thinking?" Rose asked as she stood next to me observing the scene in front of us.

"Just how everything is finally settling in place" I say in response.

"I know right. I really can't believe he is back" She  confessed.

"Why?" I asked.

"He was devastated with his mate's death. It took him few months to come out his room. When he announced that he wants to leave the pack, it came as a shock to everyone. Because even for the Alpha training he never went outside the pack. That's how much he loves this pack. So his decision surprised everyone. Ever since he left, every year the boys and the Alpha would request him to come back. Do you know what he said?" she asked me.

I shook my head no. I was unaware of the incidents which took place before I came here. I never questioned about the Alpha. I felt it was too personal and it was not my place to ask them until someone informed me.

Honestly, I was hurt that no one ever initiated the talk before Rose about him. But I understood their pain and their hesitance in letting me know.

"He said it reminded him of her death and his failure as an Alpha and a mate. He said that he couldn't protect his mate so how will he protect the pack. He felt ashamed" She explained giving me a clear idea that the Alpha loved his pack.

My respect for him increased. Even though I haven't met him, he has a high place in my heart.

I felt a shiver just thinking about him. My wolf nipped at the back of my mind. She was still ecstatic. I have no idea why.

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