chapter 1

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Kyle's pov

  I was lying in my bed with my boyfriend Kenny, wrapped in his arms. We just slept together for the first time, and it was honestly amazing. We've been together for nearly three years, but I was only 15 when we started dating and definitely didn't want to rush into anything. Kenny was super understanding and had no problem waiting until I was ready. I was so lucky to have him in my life.

  "I love you so much Kenny." I told him.

  Kenny kissed my neck softly, "I love you too baby."

  I turned around in his arms to face him. "Don't go home, stay here."

"I wish I could," Kenny started, "but I'm sure your parents would notice and wouldn't like that, then I would think it's obvious what we were doing up here."

  "We're 17, that's normal," I began, "but yeah that would be awkward."

"Yeah, then I won't be allowed back here and we can't have that." Kenny said, kissing me sweetly.

  We stayed cuddled in bed a little bit longer until Kenny thought he should leave.

  "You want a ride babe?" I asked.

  "If you don't mind," he began, "it's pretty late."

  "Of course I don't mind." I smiled.

  We got up, got dressed, and made our way downstairs.

  "Bye Kenny!" Ike called out from the couch.

   "Bye dude!" Kenny said to him.

  "Ike really likes you," I told Kenny, once we got outside, "he says you're his favorite person I've ever dated."

  Kenny lightly laughed, "Really? More than Bebe, Nichole, and Heidi? And they're all hot!"

"Kenny!" I lightly smacked his arm.

"Come on, you know you're the only one for me." Kenny kissed my cheek.

  It was raining a little when we left, but it got pretty bad after a few minutes, to where I could barely see.

  "Do you wanna pull over for a minute?" Kenny suggested.

  "It's only going to get worse." I said, still trying to look at the road.

  "Yeah, maybe-"

  Kenny was cut off by a truck slamming into the passenger side of my car. The sound of the crash was the last thing I remember hearing before waking up in a hospital.

AN: not sure how this one is gonna go but I hope you like it!!!

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