chapter 15

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Stan's pov

  It was a week after Kyle's birthday, and the day before graduation. I was out having lunch with my mom, and even though I feel like it's weird to talk to her about this, I need advice from someone other than just Craig.

  "Mom, can I ask you something?"

  "Of course Stan." She said.

"Well uh...say you like someone, but they got out of a serious relationship 2 months ago, when is an appropriate time to try and take your shot?"

She just looked at me for a moment.

  " you like Kyle?" My mom asked.

"Uh..." I could feel my face turn red, no use in denying it, "yeah...guess I didn't disguise that very well.."

  "That's okay if you do, but I don't think you should try anything right now , maybe wait a few more months." She told me.

  I don't know if I can wait any longer.


  At graduation, I was sad that Kenny was supposed to be right next to me, but he obviously couldn't be. I looked up towards the front of where all the students were seated, looking at Kyle. He looked like he was full of mixed emotions.

  At the end of graduation, I looked for Kyle, and hugged him tightly once I found him.

  "How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"A lot of different ways.." Kyle said, "I actually wasn't sure if I would graduate on time with everything that happened, too many distractions made it hard..."

"But you did, and I'm so proud of you," I smiled, "Kenny would be so proud of you too."

  "Thank you Stan." Kyle smiled.


There was an after party at the farm, and I just left my room after changing into something more comfortable, when I saw Kyle and Butters talking.

  "Hey guys." I said to them.

  "Hey Stan!" Butters smiled.

  I was hanging out with them, kinda relieved when Cartman called Butters over to him so I could be alone with Kyle, even though Cartman couldn't have wanted him for any good reason.

"So, you having fun?" I asked Kyle.

"I guess so," he began, "more fun with you here."

"Really?" I smiled, blushing.

"Aw did I just make Stan Marsh blush?" Kyle laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I laughed it off.

  Kyle and I really just hung around together the whole time, and I was completely fine with that.

  I know that I should wait a little longer so I'm gonna try, but it's getting pretty hard to hold my emotions in.

Love After You (Kenny x Kyle/ Stan x Kyle) Where stories live. Discover now