chapter 18

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some mature content

Stan's pov

I tried to slip my tongue in Kyle's mouth, and he quickly let me. I shrugged my coat off before helping Kyle out of his, and laying him back in my bed, climbing on top of him. I took my shirt off, and then his, and moved my lips to his neck. I could feel Kyle getting hard, which made me hard as well.

"Need some help with that?" I smirked.

"Well, I know you've never done anything with a guy before.." Kyle said.

"Gotta start somewhere, right?" I asked.

"Well, some help would be nice.." Kyle smirked.

I was kind of nervous, I didn't want to disappoint after he was with Kenny, but still, I wanted to do this. There was so much built up sexual tension between us and we couldn't keep it in anymore.

Kyle's pov

I was laying in Stan's bed with him, our fingers intertwined. We didn't have sex, but we did other things to help each other.

"Kyle, was that uh..was that...good?" Stan blushed.

"It was great." I smiled, making him do the same.

"Kyle, I want to be with you." Stan told me.

"I want to be with you too Stan." I said.

"So...are we together?" Stan asked.

"Yeah, we're together." I kissed his lips.


  The day after Stan and I got together, I decided to go to the cemetery. I was sitting at Kenny's grave, thinking about what to say.

"Um...hey Kenny, I'm sure it's obvious what I'm here to talk about today..." I began, "I uh.. I really do feel like we were meant to be together, but life doesn't always work out the way it's supposed to. I did want to thank you though, for helping me move on... I don't think I would've been able to if you didn't help me through it. I do like Stan, and he does seem to really care about me. But I want you to know, that no matter what happens between him and I, there will always be a part of me that still loves you. You were the first person I ever truly loved, and you'll always have a special place in my heart."


I still couldn't believe that Stan and I were together, but I was feeling happy again. I was so glad that all of our friends and our families accepted our relationship. My parents were a little worried at first that it was just a rebound, but they ended up seeing that it was definitely a real and serious relationship. We were about to start college together, and we were both excited.

It was now the night before we left for college, and we were laying in my bed.

"Are you nervous?" Stan asked me.

"A little.." I told him, "I've been preparing for college for what seems like my whole life, but it is kind of scary."

"I'm just nervous about what kind of roomate I'll get." Stan nervously laughed.

"Yeah I guess you got a point," I sighed, "should be fine as long as we don't get some homophobic asshole."

"Yeah, that would suck." Stan agreed.

"It also sucks that this is our last night that we can be alone together for awhile." I sighed.

"Well uh...speaking of that," Stan started, "since we're not gonna have a lot of alone time, maybe tonight we know.."

"Do you really want to?" I asked.

"Yeah...I'm ready to if you are." Stan told me.

"Yeah, I am." I smiled.

It was the first time we slept together, and it would be the only time for awhile.

AN: only a couple chapters left!

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