chapter 2

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Kyle's pov

When I woke up in the hospital, I saw Stan and Cartman were in there.

"Oh shit, he's awake." Cartman sounded concerned, which was weird.

"Oh, hey Kyle." Stan said, eyes red and puffy.

I rubbed my head, trying to see if I can remember why I'm in a hospital bed.

"What uh..what's going on?"

"Kyle, you were in a car accident, do you remember that?" Stan asked me.

I thought about it for a second, and the memories of earlier that night came back.

It was raining pretty heavily, and I was taking Kenny home.


"Where's Kenny?!" I quickly asked.

Stan and Cartman looked at each other, and then just looked down at the floor.

"Can someone tell me where my boyfriend is?!" I asked.

"Kyle.." Cartman began, "Kenny...Kenny didn't survive the accident."

Time stopped as I could feel my heart sink.

"You're lying." Was all I could think to say. Cartman was an asshole, this is just how he is.

"He's not lying.." Stan sniffled, "Kennys gone."

I quickly started to stand up, ignoring the pain I was in.

"I need to see Kenny, he has to be okay!"

Stan quickly stood up, grabbing me by the shoulders, "Kyle, you can't leave."

"I just need to see Kenny!" I told him.

"Kyle, Kenny's dead." Stan cried.

Seeing Stan cry just made it seem real. In that instant, I knew they weren't lying.

I broke down in Stan's arms, falling to the ground, Stan falling with me, hugging me tightly.

"Kenny can't be dead!" I sobbed, "He just can't be!"

"I'm so sorry Kyle." Stan cried with me.

My parents and Ike then came in, and I'm sure the sight worried them.

"Kyle!" My mom began, walking up to us, "Are you okay honey?"

I don't know what made her ask that. I'm crying uncontrollably and my boyfriend, the love of my life, has just died, and it was kind of my fault.

I didn't even bother answering, and I'm sure she realized that was a dumb question.


I couldn't even cry anymore after awhile. It's like I ran out of tears.

Cartman left about half an hour after I woke up and my parents and Ike stayed a little longer, leaving a little over an hour after I woke up, assuming I needed rest, but I couldn't sleep.

I didn't have any broken bones, but the impact of the accident knocked me out, and the doctors wanted to keep me overnight.

"Stan, you can go ahead and go home." I said to him.

"No, I'm gonna stay here." He told me.

"I'm fine," I sighed, "you don't need to stay."

"Kyle, I know you're not," Stan said to me, "we're best friends, I wanna be here for you."

I guess I wasn't completely out of tears, as a few escaped my eyes, "Thank you Stan."

"Sorry, didn't mean to make you cry again." Stan said.

"It's's been a really hard day..." I wiped my tears away.

"I know it has.." He said sympathetically.

"It's my fault Stan...all my fault." I tried to hold back more tears.

"Dude, don't even say that." He said to me.

"It is though!" I began, "Kenny told me that I should wait until the rain lets up, but I didn't listen..."

"Kenny wouldn't want you to blame yourself," Stan told me, "he loved you...maybe try to get some sleep."


I closed my eyes to hopefully get some sleep, hoping I would wake up to see this was just some horrible nightmare.

AN: if the beginning of this looks familiar, i took the idea from my K2 one shots. i haven't read them in awhile and when i reread them i realized the one this is from could make a good and angsty fic so im hoping i can do that!

Love After You (Kenny x Kyle/ Stan x Kyle) Where stories live. Discover now