chapter 11

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Stan's pov

Still no word from Wendy. Maybe this really was over. I couldn't show that I was sad though, I had to be there for Kyle. I hung out with him for the rest of the break. It was now Sunday night, and I was at Kyle's house.

We were sitting on his bed, watching a movie. I checked my phone to see if Wendy texted me back, but she didn't. I was putting my phone down on the nightstand, but dropped it on the floor. I reached down to grab it, and that was when I saw something sticking out from under Kyle's bed.

"Uh...Kyle?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He looked over at me.

"What is this?" I held up the vodka that I found.

Kyle then looked down, "Stan, please don't be mad at me..."

"I'm not mad's just...why?" I asked sadly.

"Because I need it to sleep.." He sighed, "these nightmares.."

"This isn't the way man." I told him.

"Then you tell me what to do Stan! Cause I can't handle this anymore!" He started to cry.

I then just pulled him into a hug. Until he calmed down.

"It's just not fair that Kenny had to go.." Kyle said.

"I know it's not, and I'm so sorry." I told him.

"He was only 18...he's supposed to be graduating with us this year...he had his whole life ahead of him." Kyle started to cry again.

I just hugged him tighter and rubbed his back, trying to calm him down.

"Are you tired?" I asked him, "I can leave if you want to go to bed."

"Yeah, okay," Kyle said, "can you take me to school tomorrow?"

"You're going?" I asked.

"Yeah, if I just sit here all day, I'll go crazy thinking about him." Kyle sighed.

"Okay, I'll be here in the morning." I gave him a small smile.

Kyle's pov

Stan left, but he didn't take the bottle...

I reached for it, but stopped. I could just see Stan's face still. He didn't say it, but I know he was disappointed. I didn't want him to feel that way about me. I threw myself back in my bed, trying to get some sleep, but of course woke up from a nightmare. I sighed, grabbing the bottle. I almost wish Stan was here so he could stop me.


It was now Monday, and I just walked downstairs.

"Are you sure you want to go to school today?" My dad asked me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I told him.

"Okay, see you later then." My dad told me, leaving for work.

I walked into the kitchen where Ike was, grabbing a bottle of water.

"Why are you going back to school today?" Ike asked me.

"Distraction.." Was all I said.

"Let's go boys." My mom said.

"I'm good, I'm getting a ride from Stan." I told her.

"You two sure have been spending a lot of time together lately..." My mom said.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"It's nothing, just-"

"God, I'm not dating him now," I cut her off, rolling my eyes, "you know we're best friends and Stan is straight, and has a girlfriend anyway."

"Sorry Kyle, it's none of my business," She said, "let's go Ike."

Like I could ever move on from Kenny.

Right after they left, Stan called me.

"Here dude!" Stan said,

"Alright, coming now." I told him, walking towards the front door.

Stan's pov

Kyle got into my car, and I gave him a small smile, "Hey."

"Hey." He gave me one back, but I knew it was fake.

Once we got to school, I could see everyone looking at Kyle.

"You gonna be okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He said.

We walked inside, and were instantly greeted by all our friends.

"Hey Kyle!" Butters said cheerfully.

"Hey." Kyle fake smiled again.

"So uh..." Craig tried to think of something to say.

"It's alright guys," Kyle sighed, "you don't have to feel awkward just cause I'm here."

"So, what were you guys talking about?' I asked.

"Just talking about prom," Clyde told me, "I'm glad Bebe took me back so I have someone to go with."

Kyle then walked away from us.

"Nice going Clyde!" Tolkien said sarcastically.

"What I do?" Clyde asked.

"Kyle," I followed after him, "I'm sorry.."

"It's just, I'm not even getting to go to prom with Kenny..." Kyle sighed.

"We can hang out at prom together dude." I told him.

"No thanks, I'd rather not be a third wheel." He said.

"Well uh...I'm pretty sure Wendy broke up with me." I told him.

"Oh...why?" Kyle asked.

"I'm not sure..she mentioned us taking a break and now she's being distant but don't worry about it, I don't really care." I lied.

The bell rang, and Kyle and I walked to class.


I saw Wendy at her locker on my way to lunch, and walked up to her.

"Hey Wendy." I said to her.

"So now that we're at school you have time for me?" She snapped.

"Wendy, I'm sorry for not spending time with you its just-"

"Kyle is more important to you," Wendy cut me off, "it's whatever, maybe I'll like being single better."

Wendy slammed her locker shut, and walked off. I guess she answered my question...we're not together anymore.

Love After You (Kenny x Kyle/ Stan x Kyle) Where stories live. Discover now