alternate ending part 2

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Kyle's pov

It was now June, and tomorrow was my and Stan's four year anniversary. We were joking around about how we should go to some cheesy and basic romantic place, and we decided on actually going to Niagara Falls. Stan still hasn't proposed to me, so I finally decided to do it myself on our anniversary. I bought the ring last week and managed to hide it from him. I'm so nervous. Will he actually want to marry me?

We got to our hotel pretty late so we just decided to order food for the night, and head to the waterfall tomorrow.

  "Stan?" I asked as we were lying in bed that night.

  "Yeah?" He looked over at me.

  "I just....I really love you," I told him, "and I don't think I say it enough."

  "You're so adorable," Stan laughed, kissing me sweetly, "I really love you too."


We were at the waterfall the next day, and I was holding onto the ring in my pocket, trying to find the courage. Then I just thought about Stan and how much I love him. What it would be like to be with him for the rest of my life. The thought made me smile, and I realized that I could do this.


"Yeah babe?" He turned towards me.

  "Um...I want to talk to you about something." I told him.

  "Okay, what is it?" He asked.

  "I've told you this before, but honestly, I really did not think that I would fall in love with anyone else after Kenny.. losing him the way I did, knowing he'd never be back, made me feel like my life was over, and I was ready to give up trying to be happy again. But there was you. You made me happy again. You made my life worth living again. And I want to continue feel this way for the rest of my life. So um..." I felt awkward doing this, especially since people starting watching, but got down one knee, and held the ring out, as a big smile appeared on Stan's face, "will you marry me Stan?"

  Stan kneeled down so we were at eye level, the smile still on his face, "Absolutely I will."

I smiled, placing the ring on Stan's finger, then grabbing his hands, standing up with him to be immediately pulled into a kiss.

Some people around us actually started applauding us while others gave us dirty looks but we couldn't care less. We were so happy with each other.


Stan and I were laying in the bed in our hotel room, and I felt so happy and relieved that he said yes.

  "Stan, are you okay with me being the one who proposed?" I asked him.

  "You really gotta ask that after the sex we just had?" Stan laughed.

  "Well, I just wasn't sure if you wanted to be the one to do it." I said.

  "To tell you to truth, I was kinda scared to ask you," Stan told me, "I just didn't know if you ever wanted to marry someone, you know, other than Kenny.."

"Well like I said, I didn't know I'd fall in love with anyone else." I reminded him.

"Wait, you're in love with me?" Stan sarcastically asked.

"Shut up." I laughed, lightly smacking his arm.

"I'm so in love with you Kyle." Stan smiled, kissing me, "I can't wait to spend forever with you."

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