chapter 4

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Kyle's pov

I appreciated what Stan was doing, but it wasn't helping. This pain isn't going to just go away. Stan took me home at 8:00, and just as expected, my family was crowding me as soon as I walked through the door, asking how I was.

"Can I just have some space?" I asked.

"Sorry, of course." My mom said.

"I'm gonna go lay down." I told them, heading up the stairs.

"Wait," my dad began, "thought you might want this."

He handed me my phone. It didn't even occur to me that I didn't have it.

"We headed to the accident site to see if there was anything you might have wanted." My mom told me.

"Oh...thanks." I said, taking my phone and heading up the stairs.

When I got in my room, I threw myself on my bed. I was just here with Kenny...

I looked at my phone, seeing the screen was now mostly cracked, but I could still see I had a lot of missed calls and texts from all my friends. I cleared all the notifications, then seeing my lockscreen. The photo was one of my favorites. It was from my 17th birthday, I was laughing while Kenny was kissing my cheek. Neither one of us knew that Ike was taking a photo at the moment, but he was our biggest supporter.

I started to cry looking at the photo. I'll never have moments like that with him ever again. I ended up crying myself to sleep.

I was lying in bed with Kenny in the house we owned. We just graduated college and were happily engaged.

"I'm so excited for our life together." I smiled at Kenny.

"I'm sorry Kyle, but we aren't going to have a life together." Kenny told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Don't you remember?" He began, "I died."

"Kenny, what are you talking about?" I asked.

Kenny didn't answer. Just faded away, and I was left alone.

I quickly sat up in my bed, realizing that just like the dream, I was alone.

I heard a knock on my door, so I sat up in my bed, trying to compose myself after that dream.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Hey Kyle," Ike came in, "I uh...I went to the accident site with mom and dad, and I found this, I thought you might want it."

He handed me the chain the Kenny wore around his neck. I guess it came off of him.

"Thank you Ike." I pulled him into a hug.

"I was gonna give it to you earlier, but I knew you wanted to be alone." Ike told me.

"Well, I'm glad you got it," I said, putting the chain around my neck, "he's worn this since 6th grade, and it'll be like I have a little piece of him wherever I go."

"Listen Kyle," Ike began, sitting next to me, "I'm really sorry. I know I told you before, but he really was my favorite person you dated."

"Yeah, why is that though?" I asked him.

"Well he was just cool, and he was the first guy you dated once you realized you were gay, so that's obviously when you were the happiest." Ike told me.

"Thanks Ike." I said to him.

My dad then came in, "Kyle, I need to talk to you about something.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"I wanted to wait awhile to tell you, but Kenny's parents gave us details about his funeral." He told me.

I sighed, "I'm not ready to talk about that if that's okay."

"Alright, whenever you're ready." My dad said, leaving.

"You're gonna have to talk about it eventually." Ike told me.

"I know...I just don't wanna admit to myself that he's really gone."

AN: this story is doing so bad so far which sucks cause I think it's my favorite so far :( I promise we'll get into Style eventually!

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