chapter 19

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Kyle's pov

Stan stayed the night, and I randomly woke up at 6 AM, and noticed Stan was still fast asleep. I wasn't able to fall back asleep, and I knew what I wanted to do.

I carefully got out of my bed without waking Stan, and got dressed to go to the cemetery. I stopped wearing Kenny's chain once Stan and I started dating, but I still kept it around the mirror in my car, still visited the cemetery frequently, and still thought about him everyday.

I didn't hide any of that from Stan, he knew I was still healing.

"Hey Kenny," I started, sitting by his grave, "I just needed to come by here one last time before leaving for college in a few hours. I can't believe that time is finally here. I really wish you were joining me... I still miss you everyday, and just know, that whenever I'm visiting South Park during college, I'll come by here."


Stan's pov

I woke up in Kyle's bed, but he was nowhere to be seen. It was 7:30, we had to leave by 9:00 so I got out of the bed and quickly got dressed to go look for him.

I went downstairs and saw Ike in the living room.

"Hey Ike, do you know where Kyle is?" I asked him.

"I thought he was with you?" He more asked.

"No he's not. I'll call him though." I said, pulling my phone out.

"Hey Stan." Kyle said, picking up almost immediately.

"Hey babe, where are you?" I asked him.

"I just thought I should visit Kenny one last time before leaving for Denver," Kyle told me, "I would've told you, but you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up, plus you're so cute when you're sleeping."

I lightly laughed at that, "It's fine, I just wanted to make sure that you'd be here in time."

"Yeah, I'm almost back home," Kyle told me, "see you in a bit hun."

Kyle was back within three minutes, and we went back up to his room to cuddle for a little bit longer.

"I'm gonna miss these moments." Kyle sighed.

"Me too," I said, holding him tighter, "but at least we're going to the same school."


Kyle's pov

It was now time to leave, and I was hoping my mom wouldn't be too dramatic about it after helping me move into my dorm, but of course she was.

Right as my parents were leaving, a boy that looked around my age walked in.

"Hey," he started, "I'm guessing you're my roommate?"

"Yeah, I'm Kyle." I told him, holding my hand out.

"I'm Gabe." He shook my hand.

Then there was a knock on the open door, and I looked to see Stan.

"Hey, I'm just two doors down." Stan smiled.

"Hey, this is my roommate Gabe," I said to him, turning to Gabe.

I was kinda worried, but I wasn't going to hide anything.

"This is my boyfriend Stan." I said to him.

Thankfully, he shook Stan's hand and didn't seem to be any different.

"Did you meet your roommate yet?" I asked Stan.

"Yeah, come with me and I'll introduce you." He told me.

I followed Stan to his dorm, and there was no one else in there.

"Okay I lied," Stan said, "my roommate hasn't shown up yet, I just want a moment alone."

"Yeah, we're not gonna get a lot of those." I agreed, as Stan pulled me into a kiss.

We were interrupted by the door opening.

"Hey fellas!" Butters said, "sorry to interrupt your moment, but which of you is my roommate?"

"That would be me," Stan told him, "so glad it's someone I know."

"We're gonna have so much fun!" Butters said cheerily.

His adorable innocence seemed to be just what we needed sometimes.

Love After You (Kenny x Kyle/ Stan x Kyle) Where stories live. Discover now