chapter 8

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Kyle's pov

My alarm woke me up, and I wanted to throw my phone out the window. I've been dreading this day. But still, I got up and got ready. I got dressed and just sat down on my bed, throwing my head in my hands, as a few tears escaped my eyes.

My phone rang, and I saw Stan was calling me.

"Hey, you ready?" Stan asked me.

"No..." I sighed.

"I know dude..." Stan said, "I'll be right there."

I walked downstairs to wait for Stan, and Ike was eating breakfast in the kitchen.

"Hey dude.." Ike said.

"Hey..." I repeated.

"Kyle, I know everyone says this, but I really am sorry..." Ike said.

"I don't really wanna talk about it right now..." I told him, wiping a tear from my eye.

I tried to hide it from Ike but I guess he noticed as he walked over to me and hugged me.

"Thanks Ike." I said, hugging him back.

There was a knock on the door, and I opened it, seeing Stan.

"Hey dude." Stan said sadly.

"Hey.." I sighed.

"So uh...let's go." Stan said.

"I'll see you guys there later." Ike said, going upstairs.

Kenny's parents said that we could come early if we wanted time alone to prepare ourselves. I didn't say anything to whole way there, and Stan didn't try to talk to me.

  When we got to the funeral home, we were immediately let in my Kenny's parents. This was the first time I've seen Kenny's family since he died, and his sister immediately ran up to me and hugged me.

  They were all saying they were sorry for my loss, but why? I may have lost my boyfriend but they lost their son and brother.

When we were able to go see Kenny's body, I went in alone. I took slow steps the whole way up to his casket, my legs almost stopped working with every step.

Once I finally got up there and saw Kenny's face, everything I was holding back came out. I immediately broke down. Right after I fell to the ground, one hand still holding onto the casket, I felt arms wrap around me.

"I can't do it Stan..." I sobbed, "I thought I could...I just can't.."

  "You can do this," Stan told me, "for Kenny."

For Kenny. I had to.


  The funeral had started. It was time for me to give my speech about Kenny and I was so nervous that I wouldn't be able to hold my emotions in.

I was shaking a little, when Stan grabbed my hand.

  "Hey, you got this dude." He gave me a reassuring smile.

  I got up and made my way to the front of the room.

  "I was lucky to not only know Kenny as a boyfriend for almost three years, but as one of my best friends for 13 years, so there is a lot to remember about him...but instead of talking about that, I wanna talk about the kind of person Kenny was. He really cared for his friends and was always there for anyone when they needed him, and he was just the best kind of person to have in your life in any way...."

  Once my speech ended, I went back to my seat and now that the attention wasn't on me, I let the tears I was holding back fall, Stan noticed, and grabbed my hand again.

  "Do you need to leave for a minute?" He whispered.

  I just shook my head, "No, I need to get through this for Kenny."


  After the service, I told my family that I would see them back at home before I got into Stan's car.

  "Do you want company?" Stan asked me.

  "Yeah, if you don't mind." I answered.

  "Of course not." Stan smiled.

  We went up to my room, and we were just sitting on my bed, not saying anything for moment.

  "So uh...why did you want me to come over?" Stan finally spoke up.

  "I don't know I just...I don't wanna be alone..this is like the second worst day of my life." My voice cracked, without me meaning to.

  Stan then pulled me into a side hug, and I laid my head on his shoulder.

  "I'm so sorry Kyle.."

  "Thank you for all you've been doing Stan," I began, "as hard as this whole thing has been, it would be even harder without you helping me through it."

  "Of course dude," Stan smiled, "not to make anything weird but, I love you dude."

  "I love you too Stan." I told him, trying to give him a smile.

  "Do you want me to stay the night?" Stan asked me.

  "Yes, I do." I told him.

Love After You (Kenny x Kyle/ Stan x Kyle) Where stories live. Discover now