chapter 12

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Stan's pov

  It was the next week, and the day before prom. Kyle seemed more upset than usual, which was understandable.

  "So...did you wanna go to prom tomorrow?" I asked him on the way to school.

  Kyle sighed, "Not really."

  "Of course it's your decison," I began, "but maybe you should get out and have some fun."

  "Maybe..." Kyle said.

  "Well you already got your tux right?" I asked, "And I bought tickets for Wendy and I before spring break, so you can just take the extra ticket now that we're broken up."

  "Well yeah, I guess I'll go." I said.

  "Are you sure?" I asked him.

  "Yeah, I can't just stay at home moping." Kyle shrugged.


  It was prom night, and I had just gotten ready, and was on my way to pick up Kyle. I always imagined prom being such a great night, going with Wendy, Tweek with Craig, Clyde with Bebe, Tolkien with Nichole, and Kenny with Kyle, all of us in a limo having a great time. But, I'm still going with Kyle as friends so I'm sure it'll still be fun.

Kyle's pov

  I was looking at myself in the mirror after getting ready for prom. I was debating on calling Stan and cancelling, but then I heard my doorbell. I went downstairs and opened the door, eyes widening a bit when I saw Stan. I never see him in a tux and he looked really nice.

  "Hey dude, you look great." I said to him.

  "Thanks dude," he smiled, "you do too."

  I looked down to hide the blush on my face, even though I know he didn't mean it that way. He was just being nice.

  Wait, why would I be blushing at Stan complimenting me? That's weird.

  "Ready to go?" Stan asked.

  "Yeah, let's go." I told him, following him outside.


  We got to prom, and were instantly greeted by Tweek and Craig.

  "Hey dudes." Craig said to us.

  "Hi." Tweek smiled.

  "Hey guys." I forced a small smile.

  "You guys having fun?" Stan asked them.

  Craig shrugged, "As much fun as you can have in South Park I guess."

  "Yeah, I guess I know what you mean." Stan said.

  It kinda hurt seeing Tweek and Craig together, since I'm supposed to be here with my own boyfriend.

"I'm just gonna get a drink." I told Stan walking away.

Stan's pov

  I knew something was bothering Kyle, and it was obvious what is was.

  "I'll catch up with you guys later." I told Tweek and Craig, following Kyle to the refreshment table.

  I wasn't going to ask him if he was okay since he obviously wasn't, so I decided to try and distract him.

  "Kyle, check it out." I nodded over to Cartman trying to get back with Heidi.

  Kyle rolled his eyes, "What a dumbass, you'd think he'd take a hint by now."

  "You're right, and you'd think he'd lose weight after chasing her around for this long." I laughed, as Kyle did the same.

  "What do you think Cartman has a better chance of?" Kyle began, "Getting Heidi back, or actually losing weight?"

  "Don't ask me something I can't answer." We both laughed again.

  I just looked over at Kyle, having a genuine smile, which made me smile bigger.

  "What?' He asked.

  "Nothing," I started, "I just missed hearing you laugh and seeing you smile."

  A blush appeared on his face, and I realized how weird that sounded.

  "Well uh..thanks for making that happen." Kyle smiled.

  I smiled bigger at that, "Glad I could help."

  Even though I knew it wasn't 100%, It made me feel good knowing that I made Kyle feel a little better. It just made me wanna see his smile more. I kept making stupid jokes the rest of the night just to hear him laugh some more. I actually got kinda sad when prom ended and I had to take Kyle home.

  "Thanks for making me come out tonight," Kyle smiled, "I had a lot of fun hanging out with you."

  "So did I," I smiled back, "Felt just like old times."

  Although, it didn't completely feel like old times. Something just felt a little different...

  Like, why have I been so focused on making Kyle smile? Why did I miss seeing it and hearing his laughter? Why did I feel sad to take him home and not be around him anymore? Then it hit me.

  Oh fuck...

  I like Kyle.

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