chapter 6

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Kyle's pov

Stan and I were sitting on my bed, as I told him everything.

"Since Kenny died, every time I try to sleep, I just end up having nightmares about Kenny..." I told him.

"What kind of nightmares?" Stan asked.

"Like, we'll be together and eveything is great," I began, "but, then Kenny reminds me that he died...and he just fades away..."

"Kyle, I'm so sorry." Stan said to me.

"I just hate feeling this way," I sighed, "my dad tried to talk to me about funeral details, but I didn't want to even think about it because...then I'll have to say 'goodbye' to him.."

"Well, it is the day after tomorrow." Stan told me.

"I'm not ready." I said sadly.

"I know you're not," Stan began, "but then you will have a place to go to feel closer to Kenny."

"Yeah, that's why I'm wearing his chain." I told Stan, holding it up.

"I'm glad you have something of his." Stan smiled.

"Yeah, it's not much, but at least I have this." I said.

Stan's pov

I was glad that Kyle was finally talking and opening up a bit more. I really just wanted to help him.

"Listen Kyle," I began, but then my phone went off, distracting me.

Wendy: Stan? It's 12 and you havent talked to me at all today

I didn't respond, cause I wanted to give Kyle my full attention right now, show him I really care.

"Um, I just wanna let you know that I really care, and I wanna help you with anything. So is there anything you need?" I continued.

"Just having you here is okay for now," Kyle said, "I'm sorry for yelling at you, I didn't mean any of that."

"Its fine Kyle," I told him, "I know you're going through a lot."

I hung out with Kyle all day. I got a chance to text Wendy back when Kyle's dad called him downstairs.

Stan: sorry babe! just hanging out with kyle. he needs a friend rn

Wendy: ok i understand! call me later?

Stan: of course!

Kyle came back, with a sad expression on his face.

"Eveything okay dude?" I asked him.

"Kenny's parents were wondering if I wanted to say anything at his funeral..." He said.

"Oh..well, are you going to?" I asked.

"I don't know," Kyle sighed, "Of course I want to, but I don't know if I could handle it..."

"Why don't you just talk about some of your favorite memories with Kenny?" I suggested.

"Yeah, maybe," Kyle said, "It just might be hard to pick a favorite as there's so many."

"Then whats your last good memory of you and him?" I asked.

"Well can't really talk about that at a funeral.." Kyle blushed.

"Oh," I awkwardly laughed, knowing what he meant, "well, maybe you can talk about how you started dating?"

Kyle's pov

"I need to tell you guys something." Kenny told us one day, before school started.

"What is it dude?" I asked him.

"Well...I'm pansexual." Kenny admitted.

"Oh, that means you like anyone regardless of gender, right?" Stan asked him.

"Yeah." Kenny smiled.

"Wait, so you like guys?" Cartman asked.

"Yeah, and I don't care what you think." Kenny said to him.

"I'm just saying, you can date Kyle now since he's gay." Cartman snickered, making us both blush.

"Just cause they both like guys doesn't mean they should just date." Stan said.

Later that day, after school, Kenny came up to me while waiting for the bus.

"Can I talk to you about something?" He asked me.

"Yeah, of course." I told him.

"Well you maybe wanna go out sometime?" He asked.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah..its just..after Cartman said that, I was thinking about it all day and...well I liked the idea." He smiled, blushing.

"Well, yeah, okay," I smiled, "I would love to go out with you."

I smiled slightly at the memory.

"Yeah, that's a nice one." I said.

  "Hey, there's a little smile!" Stan smiled.

  "Yeah..that's the most you're gonna see for a long time." I said.

  "You'll get there dude." Stan told me.

Stan's pov

  I left Kyle's house around midnight, not wanting to leave him alone. Seeing him with a slight smile made me realize how much I missed seeing it. I was determined to see it again, and I will make it happen.

Love After You (Kenny x Kyle/ Stan x Kyle) Where stories live. Discover now