chapter 16

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Kyle's pov

It's only been a month since graduation, and I was already stressing about college. I still had a couple of months but it seemed so close at the same time. I was broken from my thoughts when Stan called me.

"Hey dude," he said, "what are you up to?"

"Just the same as always..." I sighed.

"Still stressing about college?" He asked.

"Yeah.." I answered.

"Dude, you don't have to be worrying about that right now." Stan told me.

"I know," I began, "it's just all I can think about right now."

"Okay dude, I'm gonna come over," Stan said, "you need a break, and we can just relax."

"Okay, fine." I agreed.

Stan's pov

I was so nervous to go over to Kyle's. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I was gonna tell him how I felt.


I was sitting with Kyle on his couch, just trying to talk to him about anything other than college.

"So Kyle..." I began, "not trying to make you upset or anything but I'm just wondering, do you plan on dating again?"

"I don't know man," he sighed, "like, I don't wanna be alone forever, might be hard. But, what about you? Are you gonna date again?"

"Well I would like to." I told him.

"Do you even like anyone?" Kyle asked.

"I do...but I don't know if they would ever go for me." I said.

"Now who wouldn't go for you Stan?" Kyle asked.

"Someone who is way too good for me..." I sighed, feeling more nervous.

"You may be too good for a lot of people Stan, but no one is too good for you." Kyle said to me.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Yeah," Kyle smiled, "but for me, I was just lucky that Kenny liked me, I don't know if I'm ever gonna find another guy who does..."

"Come on, you're amazing Kyle," I started, "and sometimes....what you're looking for...has been right in front of you this whole time.."

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked.

"Kyle, what's right in front of you right now?" I asked.

"You are-oh...." He quickly understood what I was saying.

Kyle's pov

"Please don't hate me for this."

Stan started to lean in, and so did I, but as our lips lightly brushed, I pulled away.

"Fuck, that was so stupid! I'm so sorry Kyle." Stan quickly said.

"It's not you Stan, honestly," I began, "I uh...I do feel something between us.. but, even though he's gone, my heart just belongs to Kenny, I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize Kyle, I get it.." Stan said, "I'm just gonna go ahead and go home."


"I'll see you later Kyle." Stan then left, and I just went up to my room.

I was lying in my bed, very upset with how everything just went. I really wanted to kiss Stan, I just couldn't, I felt too guilty. I was too in love with Kenny still. I soon drifted off to sleep.

Where was I? It was like nowhere, just a pure white space. I turned around, seeing Kenny.

"Kenny!' I said, quickly hugging him.

This was different than my other dreams...I could feel Kenny's arms around me, I could feel his hair between my fingers, and I could then feel his lips on mine. It all felt real.

"I miss you so much Kenny.." I said to him.

"I miss you too Kyle..." Kenny said, "but, I need you to do something for me."

"Of course, anything." I quickly said.

"I need you to move on from me." He told me.

"Kenny, I can't...I'm still in love with you." I told him.

"I know you are baby," Kenny held the side of my face, "but I'm not there anymore."

"I know..." I said sadly.

"Sometimes, you gotta make room in your heart to let others in," Kenny began, "and I know how you feel about Stan."

"Kenny..." I started to feel guilty.

"It's okay Kyle, I know you would feel bad about moving on, but if you're going to move on, Stan is the one," Kenny told me, "he really cares about you, and I want you to be happy...can you do that for me?"

"Okay Kenny," I sighed, "I can do that."

Kenny then wrapped his arms around me again, and then I woke up.

I sat up straight, and realized that I had tears running down my face. That wasn't a normal was like Kenny wanted to tell me that. I knew what I had to do.

Love After You (Kenny x Kyle/ Stan x Kyle) Where stories live. Discover now