alternate ending part 1

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Stan's pov

  It was my and Kyle's final year of college. It was spring break, meaning four years since Kenny died. Kyle wanted to go to the cemetery alone, so I was thinking hanging out with Ike at their house since my parents weren't home and I had nothing else to do.

  "So, how's Kyle doing?" Ike asked me.

  "I never know for sure," I told him, "he's gotten better as time passed, but this day is always especially hard for him, understandably."

  "Yeah, but he does seem happier everytime you two visit," Ike said, "I'm sure you're a big reason why."

  "I'd like to think I'm helping him be happy again." I smiled.

  "Well, you know that you and Kyle have now been together longer than him and Kenny?" Ike asked me.

  "Oh yeah, I guess you're right," I looked over at him, "I wonder how much longer he can handle me."

  "Probably for the rest of his life." He said.

  "Really? You think so?" I asked Ike.

  "Well, yeah," He started, "the only other time I've seen him this happy is when he was with Kenny."

  "Would you actually want me to be your brother in law?" I lightly laughed.

  Ike just shrugged, "I don't know anyone else who can deal with Kyle like you do, and I don't mean that in a bad way. You're just...really patient and understanding with this whole Kenny thing. He definitely needs someone like you in his life."

I would be lying if I said I haven't thought about asking Kyle to marry me hundreds of times now.

  "To be honest, I've been thinking about proposing to him a lot this past year.." I began, "but I've always been too scared."

  "What's there to be scared of?" Ike asked.

  "Well, I know he and Kenny talked about getting married after graduating college," I told him, "I just feel like he might not want to marry anyone else.."

Kyle's pov

  When I got home from the cementery, Ike was the only one there.

  "Hey dude, where's Stan?" I asked him.

  "His parents wanted him over for lunch." Ike told me.

  "Okay, then I'll just hang out with you for awhile." I joined him on the couch.

  "So Kyle.." Ike started.

  "Yeah?" I asked.

  "Would you ever marry Stan?" He asked.

  I felt my face heat up, "Well that's out of nowhere."

  "Well, I know you talked about that stuff with Kenny...." He began, "I just didn't know if you would want that with someone else."

  "I mean, he is the only other person I've ever loved, and we have been together a long time, at least a long time for me..." I said.

  "So...would you?" Ike asked.

  "Is this what you were talking about while I was gone?" I asked him.

  'Well, yeah," he said, "he wants to marry you but he seems too scared to ask you."

"Then maybe I should just let him know that I'd be open to it." I suggested.

"Or maybe you can ask him to marry you." Ike told me.

"Me proposing?" I asked, "I never really saw myself proposing...."

That is true, but it's probably just because when Kenny and I talked about it and he would always talk about proposing to me.

  "I think you should, he probably wouldn't expect it." Ike shrugged.

  He probably wouldn't...should I actually do it?


  Stan came back over after awhile, and we were laying in my bed in my old room.

  "What are you thinking about babe?" Stan asked.

  "What?" I asked him.

  "You're just pretty quiet," He answered, "you okay?"

  "Yeah," I smiled, "I'm fine."

  I do want to marry Stan. Maybe I should ask him.

AN: this idea just came to me and i can't think of how to continue my current stories so thought id just add this for fun. there is one more part to this alternate ending coming

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