chapter 13

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Stan's pov

  I laid in my bed, and just stared at my ceiling. I like Kyle. Some how, while I was trying to help Kyle heal, I developed feelings for him. But I can't. I can't like him. That would be wrong, he was Kenny's boyfriend. I cant just swoop in and ask Kyle to be my boyfriend. Not like he'd want to be though, he's still in love with Kenny.

  I had to try and forget about my feelings. It's just a crush, I'll get over it, right? Whatever I do, I just have to make sure that Kyle doesn't found out how I feel about him.


  I woke up the next day to Kyle calling me. I smiled seeing he called me first thing in the morning.

  "Hey." I answered.

  "Hey, wanna hang out today?" Kyle asked.

  "Yeah, of course dude," I told him, "I'll be right over."

  I was excited to hang out with him today, even though I have been hanging out with him everyday for the past few weeks.

  "Wait Stan," he began, "just not right now, later."

"Oh, that's okay," I told him, "just let me know when."

Kyle's pov

Today I was going to cemetery for the first time since Kenny's funeral. I've been putting off going, but then I started to feel guilty. Me feeling sad shouldn't stop me from visiting the one place where I can still feel close to him.

The weather out was warm and sunny, the complete opposite of how I felt inside. I had such a great time with Stan last night, but once I was alone in my room, my mind started drifting to Kenny again. I had to drink a little to help me sleep again, hiding the bottle in my dresser drawer this time so it's not visible to Stan next time he's here. I can't handle disappointing him again.

  I saw fresh flowers at Kenny's grave, I'm assuming from Kenny's parents. It may not have been obvious to a lot of people, but I know how much they loved him. But then I felt bad for not bringing anything.

"Sorry I didn't visit sooner and for coming empty handed," I started as I sat in front of his grave, "but then I know if you could you would just complain that I was wasting my money on you when you're not here.... I still can't believe you're really gone...I miss you so much." I started to cry.

Stan's pov

  I was at Craig's house with him and Tweek. I just needed to tell someone how I was feeling.

"I may be a horrible person." I said to them.

"What do you mean?" Tweek asked.

  "I uh....I have feelings for Kyle.." I told them, as both of their eyes widened.

  "Wait what?" Craig asked, "Aren't you straight?"

  "I thought I was, but evidently I'm not." I sighed.

"How sure are you that you like him?" Craig asked, "Are you sure you don't just think that you like him cause you've been spending so much time with him lately?"

"I definitely know that I like him." I told him.

  "How does that make you a horrible person?" Tweek asked.

  "Cause dude...he was Kenny's boyfriend, I can't do anything." I said.

  "Well, were you gonna act on it?" Craig asked.

"No way!" I quickly said, "That would be so wrong!"

"Only if you did it right away," Craig said, "just wait a little longer."

"It's just a crush, I'll just have to wait til I get over it, that's all." I said.

  "The more you hang out with him, the less likely you are to get over him, and the more likely your feelings are to grow." Craig told me.

  "I can't just not hang out with him though!" I threw my head in my hands.


  I left Craig's, not feeling any better about anything, and I saw someone walking down the street. When I got closer, I realized it was Kyle, so I rolled down my window.


  He looked over at me, "Oh hey Stan."

  "Come on, get in," I said to him, as he did just that, "so where were you headed or where are you leaving from?"

  "I was at the cemetery." I told him.

  "Oh..well, are you okay?" I asked him.

  " felt nice to go and you know, kinda talk to him." Kyle said.

  I took Kyle back home, and we just hung out there until midnight. All the way home, I just couldn't stop thinking about Kyle. I don't even know when I started liking him, but Craig was right, my feelings for him increased.

  I don't know if I can just get over him.

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