chapter 14

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Stan's pov

It's been whole month now since Kenny has been gone. Kyle has been doing better, but not much at all. He still breaks down from time to time, but not as much. He's been opening up to me a lot more about how he felt too. And yes, I still like him...a lot.

Kyle's birthday soon came, and I was gonna try my best to give him a great day. I got him a gift I hope he likes, and all of our friends came over to his house. I was the only one left at the end of the party, and Kyle seemed to be upset.

"What's on your mind dude?" I asked him.

"I had a great tonight so thank you Stan, it's just...Kenny should be here." He sighed.

"Yeah he should be..." I agreed, "I'm still so sorry Kyle, I know you two really loved each other."

"I just..I don't think I'll ever move on from him..." He said, "I don't think I can love anyone like I loved him."

I felt so guilty for feeling this way, but it kinda hurt hearing him say that. But it shouldn't. Since I first realized I liked him, I knew I had no chance. Maybe I should tell him anyway to just get it off my chest? It's still too soon though. Then I remembered that I had something for Kyle.

"Can I give you your present now?" I asked him.

"You got me a present?" Kyle asked, "You didn't have to do that."

"You know birthdays work, right?" I lightly laughed.

Kyle took the box I held out to him, opened it, and his eyes widened.

" really didn't have to do this." He said.

"Well, I noticed your phone screen was shattered, so I wanted to replace it for you." I smiled.

"This phone is newer than the one I have now." He said.

"Okay so it's more of an upgrade than a replacement," I started, "but I wanted you to have it. I can take you to the phone store now and we can switch everything over."

Kyle smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you Stan."

"Of course dude." I smiled back.

Kyle's parents and Ike then walked through the door.

"Kyle, can you come out here for a minute?" His dad asked.

We both got up from the couch and followed his family back outside, seeing a beautiful sliver Mercedes in the driveway, and his dad held keys out to Kyle.

"Happy birthday son." He said to him.

"Seriously?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, go and take it for a spin." His dad told him.

"Okay!" Kyle smiled, "Come on Stan!"

I smiled at the fact that he wanted me to go with him, and followed him into the car.

"Where we going?" I asked.

"First we can go to the phone store and then we can just drive around." Kyle said.

"Sounds good." I smiled.

I would be fine with anything though, just to spend time with Kyle. After we left the phone store, we were just driving around town.

"Stan, would it be okay with you if we stopped at the cemetery?" Kyle asked me.

"Yeah, of course." I told him.

We got to the cemetery and we walked over to where Kenny was buried. I've only been here once since the funeral.

"Stan, don't take this the wrong way, but can I be alone for a minute?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, of course," I told him, "I'll just be visiting my grandpa."

Kyle's pov

Stan went over to his grandpa's grave and I was alone at Kenny's.

"Hey baby," I began, sitting down in front of his grave, "I know there's no way to actually talk to you, but I'd feel better if I did this so...I miss you everyday, and I still love you and I don't think I'll ever stop, but uh... I think I'm finally accepting it. That doesn't mean that I'm not still sad, cause of course I am, but I'm dealing with it. Stan has been really helpful."

I didn't know what to say after that, so I just sat there, staring at his headstone, then I noticed it get darker.

I got up and looked for Stan. He looked up at me and started walking towards me.

"Ready to go?" Stan asked.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said to him.

"Stan, do you want to stay over tonight?" I asked him, once we were leaving the cemetery.

"Yeah, sure." He smiled.


We went to Stan's house so he could get some things and then we went back to mine.

"So, you still keep extra blankets in the hall closet?" Stan asked.

"You can just sleep in my bed with me-if you want." I told him, quickly saying that last part.

"You sure?" Stan asked.

"I mean, you did last time you stayed over, and it has to be more comfortable than the floor." I told him.

"Uh, okay." Stan said, joining me in my bed.

Stan's pov

I had so much fun spending all day with Kyle, and it felt so nice to fall asleep next to him. This was definitely more than just a crush, I was falling hard for him.

Love After You (Kenny x Kyle/ Stan x Kyle) Where stories live. Discover now