chapter 5

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Stan's pov

The day after Kyle came home from the hospital, I called him as soon as I woke up.

"Hey.." Kyle answered.

"Hey dude," I started, "how you feeling?"

I hated myself for asking him that. I know he hates it and is tired of hearing it, but it's just impulse to ask.

"I'm feeling terrible." He responded monotoned.

"Sorry..uh, you want to do something?" I asked him.

"I don't wanna go anywhere." He said.

"That's okay," I began, "I can just come over."

"It's okay, you don't have to." He told me.

"Kyle, when I said I wanted to be there for you, I didn't mean just that night," I told him, "I'm coming over."

After I hung up the phone, I got dressed, and made my way to Kyle's house.

"Oh, hello Stan." Kyle's dad answered.

"Hey, just here to see Kyle." I said.

"Maybe you can cheer him up at least a little." He said to me.

"Yeah, maybe.." I knew that wasn't likely.

Kyle's pov

I didn't really want Stan over cause I didn't want people feeling sorry for me, and I knew that was the only reason he was coming over. But I need a distraction from thinking about Kenny. There was knock on my door, and I knew it was Stan.

"Come in." I told him, sitting up in my bed.

"Hey dude." Stan said, joining me on my bed.

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Just wanted to talk to you dude." He told me.

"About what?" I asked.

"Nothing really, just wanted to see my best friend." He gave me a small smile.

Maybe it was better that Stan was here right now. If he wasn't, I would just try to sleep the day away, even though I just have the same nightmares over and over.

We were just quiet for a minute, Stan not knowing what to say, me not wanting to talk.

"Anything you wanna talk about?" Stan asked.

"No." I told him.

"Well wanna just play video games?" I asked.

"Sure." I agreed, not actually wanting to do anything.

All I wanted right now was sleep, but not the nightmares that come with it. But when I'm not asleep, all I can think about is Kenny and how much I miss him. Maybe there is something that might help...

Stan's pov

Kyle didn't care about he game, putting in zero effort, but I knew that. After awhile, he paused the game, and turned to me.

"Stan, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, anything." I said to him.

"When you drink, how much pain does it actually take away?" He asked me.

This worried me, cause I knew exactly why he was asking.

"Kyle, please don't turn to that," I began, "trust me, I've been sober for over a year now, it's not worth it."

"Stan, you don't understand how this feels." Kyle's voice cracked, as tears formed in his eyes.

"I know, I've never been through something like this, and I'm here to help you, but that's not the way." I told him.

"Just get the fuck out Stan! I don't need or want you here!" He shouted.

"Okay Kyle," I sighed, "I'll leave."

I got up, and walked out of Kyle's room, headed to the stairs, but stopped, and went back to Kyle's room, knocking on the door.

I got no response, but I could hear Kyle quietly crying to himself. I opened the door, and his back was turned to me but I walked over to him, pulling him into a hug. Kyle turned around in my arms, immediately hugging back, crying harder.

"I'm not gonna let you push me away Kyle," I started, "I'm here for you."

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