chapter 10

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Stan's pov

  I tried to get ahold of Wendy when I got back home, but she wouldn't answer me. I guess that was her way of breaking up with me. It was only Thursday night, so there was a couple days left of spring break so we would see each other again Monday, maybe then we could clear things up.

  I laid in my bed later that night, thinking about Kyle. I really hope he can get through this. I want him to be happy again.

Kyle's pov

  I woke up at 3:00 AM, another nightmare waking me up after crying myself to sleep. I didn't want to sleep at the moment, so I just started looking through Kenny's drawings. He was really good. Then I saw on one of the pages, there was writing, kinda like a diary entry.

  I kissed Kyle today! I wanted to do this for a couple days now but I've been too nervous to mess it up, but it was great! He's a really good kisser! I'm so glad he's my first boyfriend.

  I smiled reading how excited he was kissing me. I remember the excitement I felt too. I looked through the pages and saw there was a lot more entries.

  Kyle and I have been dating for a whole month. When I first realized that I was pansexual, I never thought I would end up dating one of my best friends, but I'm really glad I am. Kyle is just the perfect boyfriend. He's so cute, sweet, funny, and just an all around great person. I hope he doesn't get tired of me anytime soon, cause I just know this could turn into something great.

  Kyle and I spent his whole 16th birthday together. His parents got him a car and he was so excited that he drove us around the whole night. We ended the night with a makeout session in the backseat. I'm falling so hard for him.

  3 months with Kyle today, and I definitely know by now that I'm in love with him. I can't wait to tell him later! I feel like he might feel the same!

  I remember that day so well. Kenny told me he loved me, and I was so happy because I knew I loved him too. It was the first time I was ever in love. It felt kinda wrong to be reading all these entries, but for some reason, I couldn't stop.

  Kyle and I made it to one year!!!! I can't believe how much I love him and how happy I am to be with him. I hope we can make it to a lot more years! I'm just glad he's not tired of me yet.

  Kyle turned 17 last night and I helped his parents plan a surprise party! I was so glad that his parents accepted our relationship, we were so worried that they wouldn't approve of us being together, but that couldn't have been farther from the truth. Our relationship became sexual tonight too. I know he's not ready to actually have sex yet, but we can still have other things to do to make it fun ;)

  I'm so glad the first time I fell in love that its with Kyle. He's the best boyfriend anyone could have but he wants to be with me! I'm the luckiest guy in the world and I'm never letting him go.

  I didn't even realize that I was crying until a tear fell down on the page I was reading. I decided to put the notebook away for right now, and just looked at the rest of the pictures of us. The pain from missing him just grew more and more and I couldn't stand it.

  No one was awake, so I went downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed some of my parents' alcohol, and went back up to my room. Maybe this will help me have a peaceful sleep. I just can't let Stan find out, he'd be so disappointed in me.

Love After You (Kenny x Kyle/ Stan x Kyle) Where stories live. Discover now