chapter 3

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Kyle's pov

I was in my car with Kenny, him directing me where to go.

"So where exactly are we going?" I asked him.

He didn't tell me, he just kept looking at the road.

After a minute he stopped me.

"Okay, right here." Kenny told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, "It's just the middle of the road."

"Yeah," Kenny began, "right where I died."

Before I could ask Kenny what he meant, a truck slammed into my car.


I sat up straight in bed, then realized I was in the hospital.

That's right....


I looked next to me and saw Stan, face full of concern.

"Sorry...just a bad dream..." I sighed.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Stan asked.

"No." I quickly said, "...What time is it?"

"It's 5:30 in the morning." Stan told me.

I sighed, throwing myself back down in the bed.

"This pain is never going to go away."

"I know, but in time, it will get easier," Stan told me, "it may take years, but it will get easier."

I know Stan was just trying to help, but I didn't feel any better.

I eventually drifted off to sleep again, only being woken up by different voices. I opened my eyes seeing Butters, Craig, Tweek, Clyde, and Tolkien talking with Stan.

"Hey Kyle.." Tolkien said sadly, as he looked over at me.

"Oh, hey you're awake." Stan gave me a small smile.

Yeah. I'm awake meaning this wasn't a dream.

"Uh, hey guys," I said to them, "Thanks for coming."

They all looked at me with such sympathy and I hated it. Yes my boyfriend died, but the way they were treating me was kind of making me uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry about Kenny.." Clyde said.

I wondered who was gonna mention him.

Just the mention of him made me wanna break down, and I think Stan noticed.

"I think Kyle wants to be alone for a minute," He said to them all, "Let's go."

"Not you." I said to Stan.

"You want me to stay?" He asked, as I nodded, "Okay, I'll catch up with you guys later."

They all left and Stan walked over to me, immediately being pulled into a tight hug as I began sobbing again. I'm sure Stan realized I just needed comfort from my best friend, as he didn't let go of me until I began to pull away.

"Thank you for staying with me Stan." I said to him.

"Of course Kyle." He smiled.

Stan's pov

Of course being one of Kenny's closest friends, I was devestated over the news. But I knew none of us felt how Kyle did. I know how much he and Kenny loved each other, and it can't be easy to lose someone like that. I was happy to help Kyle through this, though I know it won't be easy.

Kyle was able to leave that afternoon, so I helped him out of his room, all the way outside to my car.

"Ready to go home?" I asked him.

He just shrugged, He seemed to not care about anything, which made sense, I'm sure I'd feel the same way if Wendy died.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" I asked, "Or do you want company at all?"

"Can we just go to your place?" Kyle asked, "If I go home, my family is gonna bombard me and I don't want that."

"Yeah, no problem." I gave him a small smile.


We got to my house and went up to my room, sitting on my bed. I didn't really know how to talk to Kyle right now. I was scared of saying the wrong thing and upsetting him.

"So are you feeling?" I asked him, knowing it was a stupid question.

Kyle just sighed.

"Sorry...I said to him.

"Maybe I should just go home," Kyle began, "I don't want to bum you out too."

"No, Kyle don't leave," I started, " there anything you want to do?"

"Anything. I need to keep my mind distacted."

"Okay, we can just watch a movie." I told him, turning my tv on.

I put on a comedy, trying to lighten the mood, but it obviously wasn't working. Kyle just seemed uninterested and detached. I really hated to see my best friend like this. I will do anything to get Kyle out of this, no matter how long it takes.

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