chapter 9

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Stan's pov

I hope Kyle didn't think I was only doing all this to be nice and that I really did care about him.

I put on a movie for us, and I ended up falling asleep in his bed next to him. I hope Kyle didn't mind and think it was weird. I checked my phone and saw that I had a lot of texts from Wendy.

Wendy: babe where are you?

Wendy: I looked for you after the funeral and couldnt find you

Wendy: Stan?

Wendy: are you with Kyle again?

Wendy: call me stan

I got up, and walked downstairs and out to the backyard to call Wendy.

"Stan? Where are you?" She immediately asked.

"I'm with Kyle babe," I told her, "he didn't want to be alone last night so I offered to stay over."

"Stan, you're spending more time with him than you are with me!" She complained.

"Well, you have to understand that he's going through a lot, I don't think him being alone would be good for him." I explained.

"I get his boyfriend died but that doesn't mean he has to steal mine away!" Wendy said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, "Kyle is my best friend."

"Your best friend that happens to be gay!" She began, "He lost his boyfriend and now it's like he wants you to be his new one!"

"Wendy, you're being pretty insensitive right now." I told her.

"You know what, you have to choose!" She shouted.

"Choose what?" I asked.

"Me, or Kyle?" She asked.

"You or Kyle? You're my girlfriend and he's my best friend, those aren't the same thing!" I said.

"Well who is more important to you?" She snapped.

"Wendy, this is crazy!" I told her.

"Oh? I'm crazy?" She yelled, "Fine, you be happy with Kyle then."

Wendy then hung up the phone, and I was left there stunned. Did she just break up with me?

Kyle's pov

I was walking through the park with Kenny as we held hands.

"I had a great time on our date Kenny." I smiled.

"Me too," Kenny smiled back, "it sucks that this is our last one."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

Kenny let go of my hand, amd walked out into the street.

"Kenny? What are you doing?"

He waved to me, and then a truck appeared out of nowhere, hitting Kenny.

I sat up straight in my bed. These nightmares are just getting worse.

I noticed Stan wasn't in my room, so I went to go look for him, and found him in the backyard.

"Oh, there you are." I said to him.

"Yeah, my mom wanted me to call her so I came out here to not wake you up," He gave me a small smile, "how did you sleep?"

"You want me to tell the truth or lie?" I asked.

"Another nightmare?" Stan asked, sympathetically.

"Yeah..." I sighed.

"Sorry dude.." Stan began, "want to do anything today?"

"I don't know.." I began, "I need to keep my mind occupied, but I also don't really want to leave the house."

"We can hang out with our friends?" Stan suggested.

"I don't know, I don't really want them all worried about me and asking if I'm okay." I told him.

"Anything you want, we can do." Stan said.

"Uh...what about just breakfast for now?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure thing.' Stan smiled.


Stan and I hung out all day. I was trying to have fun, but of course, couldn't stop thinking about Kenny. The only reason I even left the house today was to try to keep my mind distracted, but it wasn't working.

We got back to my house and there was a big box sitting in the living room.

"What's this?" I asked my dad.

"Kenny's parents dropped this off," my dad began, "just some of his things they thought you might like."

"Want me to help you bring it up to your room?" Stan asked.

"Yeah, sure." I told him.

We brought it up to my room to look through it.

The box was really just some of his T shirts, a couple of notebooks that he would draw in, and more chains of his, a photo album, and at the very bottom, was his orange parka that he always wore.

I started looking through the photo album, and noticed that it was all photos of him and I.

There was the photo of us from my 17th birthday that was my lockscreen, there was another one from the end of ninth grade when we first started dating, a photo of us ice skating, one from last month, Kenny's 18th birthday party. He had the biggest smile on his face while I was next to him, looking at him with a look of pure admiration. I always loved when he smiled. A tear escaped my eye, and Stan noticed.

"Do you want me to leave?" He asked.

"It's not that I want you to leave, but I think I need to be alone for a little while now." I told him.

"Okay," Stan hugged me tightly, "call me if you need anything."

Stan left, and I was alone in my room, going through all the photos, all the memories. I honestly don't think I've ever seen him smile as much as he did when we were together. I'm glad I could make him happy as he did for me, but right now there was just more pain.

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