Chapter 1 : Slow Business at Hermit Café

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Grian sat at his desk with his arms folded in front of him and wings behind him. He put his head down on the desk and groaned. "Why is college so boring!?" he complained to himself. And like that, the final bell rang, saving him from college for the day. He grabbed his bag and swiftly left the class. He hadn't noticed that someone had followed behind him until he heard a familiar Australian accent. "Oh, you're so done with college already, aren't ya?" He turned to face Pearl. "Yeah. Can you believe it's only the first day?" he asked. "Yeah, first day and you already wanna drop out, huh?" Pearl teased, nudging his arm with her elbow. "Right, I wouldn't say I wanna drop out just yet, but yeah it's boring already. I mean, the architecture class isn't half as bad as I thought it would be, considering every other class before it." Grian ranted. They made their way to their lockers, which so happen to be conveniently next to each other, and put away everything before heading for the exit.

"Oh, are you headed to the coffee shop as well?" asked Pearl. "You should know that I work there, Pearl. Have you already forgotten?! I am insulted and I am miffed!" Grain exclaimed with a hand on his heart and fake hurt in his voice. "Oh! Yeah I did forget! I didn't get too good of a sleep last night.." Pearl shamefully admitted. "Right.."

They found their way to the coffee shop in their little argument, if you could even call it that. They entered in together the bell rang, alerting a familiar face and they immediately acknowledged the two of them. "Grian! Pearl! Hi! How are you today?" "Oh, hey Scar!" greeted Pearl. "Are you meant to be here right now? I thought Cleo would be here.." Grian pondered. "Oh! Cleo... She told me she had to do something, but she should be back soon! I'm covering for her until she gets back! And for you..." Scar explained. "I heard that! Can't expect me to come on time, you know how I am!" Grian said. "Whatever you say!" Scar chuckled.

Grian was now behind the counter with Scar and Pearl stood in front of them. "Oh, right! We have a customer! So sorry, Pearl!" Scar acknowledged with a hint of embarrassment in his voice. Grian was slightly struggling with his apron, Pearl noticed and laughed to herself. "What can I get for ya?" Scar asked as he also noticed Grian was struggling. "Oooh, do you still have those Cookie Crumble Frappuccino's?" asked Pearl. "Of course we do! Anything else?" Scar said. "Nah, that's all for today, mate. I might drive a hole through my wallet soon." Pearl admitted, pulling out said wallet. Scar typed in her order and flipped the tablet around for her to swipe her card. Once she did, Grian got to making her drink since Scar's technically off shift right now. Well, technically, they're both off shift but since Cleo isn't here he'll have to make do.

Grian put the lid on Pearl's drink and slid it onto the counter. Pearl perked up from her bar stool and grabbed her drink, swiftly standing up. "Thanks for the drink! See ya tomorrow!" Pearl said as she began to walk towards the door. "And thanks for your money! I mean-" Grian laughed to cut himself off. Both Pearl and Scar joined him afterwards. The bell signaled that Pearl had left, leaving Scar and Grian laughing to themselves. They had calmed down, leaving them in a comfortable silence for a while, until Scar spoke. "So... I noticed you were struggling with your apron there.." He mentioned nonchalantly. Grian's wings fluffed up in embarrassment and his face heated up. "SCAR! How very dare you!" He pointed an accusing finger at him. Scar put his hands up defensively and looked off to the side with a smirk on his face. Grian crossed his arms and looked the other way. Scar chuckled. "I'm gonna go in the back now, call me if you need anything!" Scar said and left Grian by himself at the counter. He sighed.

Business was fairly slow, leaving Grian to surf on his phone to pass the time. His occasional distraction would be either a customer, Scar, and other workers as well. Cleo had come back earlier and acted surprised to see Grian there at his job. He's gotta make money somehow! "When does my shift end? I'm getting so bored already! I wouldn't have expected such slow business on the first day of college.." Grian complained to himself. He resorted to admiring the scenery. It was a cozy café with a cinnamon aroma. The brick walls were adorned with shelves and a large chalkboard that displayed their menu, which was written by Cleo, who arguably has the best handwriting of all of them. On the corners of the board were little doodles by the employees. A cat drawn by Scar, a bird drawn by Grian, Bdubs' face drawn by Bdubs, and an arrow pointing at his doodle with 'sweetface' written next to it by Keralis. Books and potted plants were displayed on the shelves. Around the wooden floor, many tables and chairs were set up, each with a lit candle. "That's probably why it smells like cinnamon.." Grian concluded. Ceiling lights and huge windows brought light into the cozy café. The counter featured six bar stools in front of it where customers could sit and wait for their orders. A half-full tip jar was on top of the counter. "Wonder how much is in there.." He was tempted to have a look but he had half a brain not to.

After work he drudged his way to his dinky apartment. He rummaged through his pocket for his keys and stuck it on the lock. He opened the door and threw his keys on the kitchen table. He immediately found his bed and face planted onto it. "Go to college, they said. It'll be fun, they said! Wrong!" He lifted his head from his pillow. "Why did I do this to myself? Like seriously? College and a part time at the café! Good thinking past Grian!" He monologued to himself, shoving a hand in the air dramatically. He shoved his face into his pillow and groaned. "This is gonna be a long year, isn't it?" He found himself drifting off to sleep on top of his blanket. He's gonna be so cold in the morning.

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≈1,094 words above the line

i started writing this on a whim at 5 in the morning i think i might cry
anyway i hope this turns out good

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