Chapter 7: Official Boatem Meetup (It's a Sleepover) 1/2

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Grian was panicking. He knew he only had a few hours before the rest of Boatem arrived, and yet he hasn't picked up a single thing. He quickly cleaned up everything he could before getting distracted by something shiny he found in the mess he calls an apartment mid way. He quickly set it down somewhere so he can somewhat focus on fixing this mess. "Pearl's is so disappointed in me.. Her cleaning lady heart is broken!" He continued cleaning up the mess until he considered it clean enough. To Pearl it may not be, but it's good enough for him. "It's the thought that counts, right?" He grabbed the shiny object he found earlier and sat on his couch to wait. A Royal Emerald. He decided to keep at least one as a souvenir after the whole thing went down. And yet, he can't help but feel.. Drawn to it. Like it reminds him of something else.. Or someone else. Scar's beautiful emerald green eyes. "It's always back to him, isn't it?"

He heard a knock on the door so he put the emerald back to it's respective place and opened the door. Scar stood there with a smile and a batch of freshly baked cookies. "Speak of the devil" "Hi Grian!" "Hey Scar, come on in. I'll bring those to the kitchen for ya" Grian offered. "Oh! Alright!" Scar stepped in and handed the batch to Grian. Their fingers may or may not have brushed together as the cookies were being transferred, tinting Grian's face pink. "Go ahead and sit anywhere you'd like" Grian offered as he brought the cookies to the kitchen, setting them down on the table. Scar sat down on the couch and looked like he drooped something when Grian came back. "What are you doing?" asked Grian. Scar held up a few feathers with a smile on his face. "I just found these on the couch and thought I'd pick them up!" he chimed. "Ah. Right. You might find a few of those around here.." Grian admitted. He sat down next to Scar who was looking for more feathers. "...You can keep em if you want" "Huh?" Scar perked up. "What-? Nothing! I didn't say anything!" Grian panicked as he tried to hide himself behind his wings. "You said I can keep them, didn't you?" Scar grinned as he slightly moved Grian's wing out of the way of his now red face. "No... Why would I say something like that?" Grian denied. "Whatever you say, Gri!" Scar giggled as he not so secretly put the feathers in his pocket.

There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" chimed Scar as he quickly got up and rushed to the door. He opened it up to see Pearl and Impulse with a few board games in hand. "Hey guys! Come on in!" Scar chimed as he held the door open for them, closing it behind them. "Wow Gri, you actually cleaned the place!" Pearl commented. "You told me to!" Grian retorted. "My little cleaning lady heart is happy!" Grian sighed. "Scar, did you bring cookies?" asked Impulse. "Of course! Freshly baked and decorated specifically for this!" Scar exclaimed. "Awww!" Pearl put a hand to her heart. "Anyway, we brought board games, what do we do with them?" Impulse chuckled. "Oh? just put em right there" Grian pointed at the table next to the couch. Pearl handed the rest games to Impulse and he set them down. "There's not much space on this couch, so we're gonna have to figure that out" said Grian as he basically took up half the couch with his wings alone. "I vote Gri sits on the floor." chimed Pearl. "WHAT? This is my house!" argued Grian. "You're taking up the entire couch with your wings alone!" "Does that mean Impulse has to sit on the floor as well?" asked Scar. "Hey! My wings aren't as obnoxious as his!" Impulse retorted. "We'll figure it out once Mumbo gets here" Grian decided. "You're just saying that so you can stay on the couch longer!" Pearl protested. "What..? No that's ridiculous." Grian trailed off. Pearl grabbed Grian by the arm and pulled him off the couch. "PEARL!" Grian yelled before he fell flat on his face. Impulse and Scar laughed at the scene unfolded in front of them. "If some of us are sitting on the floor, we all are! I've decided!" Pearl stated. "Are you okay Grian!?" Scar panicked. "Oh my god, Pearl!" Impulse marveled. Grian sat up and put a hand to his forehead. "How could you, Pearl! I cleaned up just to be treated like this!" Grain exaggerated.

The last knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Pearl sang as she walked to the door. Scar crouched down in front of Grian to check if he was okay. Pearl opened the door and there stood Mumbo, fidgeting as always. Pearl let him in to reveal the absolute wreck that this sleepover already is. "I feel like I've come in at a bad time.." said Mumbo. "Oh, no, it's fine!" Pearl laughed it off. "Mumbo! Pearl dragged me off the couch!" Grian complained. "Oh!" "He was taking up all the space!""You really didn't have to throw him off, though.." Impulse admitted. "Yeah! Now he's hurt, look at him!" Scar added, cupping Grian's face in his hands and turning him to face Mumbo. Grian's face was beet red and all of his feathers were ruffled. "Scar! I'm fine! I'm fine!" He pulled Scar's hands away and hid himself in his wings. Scar looked just as confused as Mumbo felt, Pearl and Impulse looked at each other with a knowing smirk. "I.. Don't think I want to know!" Mumbo decided.

Scar scooted himself away from Grian and Impulse gestured for him to move over next to him, so he did. Impulse sat down next to Scar, Pearl sat next to Impulse, and Mumbo sat next to Pearl. They all sat in a circle so Mumbo and Scar were opposite sides of Grian, giving Pearl and Impulse many opportunities to give each other sly looks. "Come on out of there, Gri, we're not here for you to hide the whole time!" called Pearl. Grian quickly revealed himself from behind his wings. "Ah! Right, of course!"

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≈1,055 words above the line
i hope you like boatem because i'm splitting this in 2 parts woohoo!! 🎉
i'll eventually draw my own hc designs for this fic but for now its up to the imagination

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