Chapter 5: Café Nuisances

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Instead of talking in class as they normally would, Grian and Pearl passed papers back and forth. 'what on earth were you whispering about with impulse' 'none of ur business lol' 'im gonna find out one day mark my words' 'have fun with that :P' 'i can't stand you or this teac' Grian felt Pearl's tail on his leg, making him look up and see the professor glaring directly at them. Grian immediately dropped his pen. The teacher hummed and continued the lesson. Grian and Pearl looked over at each other wide eyed. The lesson continued as is until the bell rang, allowing the already tired college students free for the day. Grian and Pearl swiftly grabbed their things and left, avoiding eye contact with the teacher once again. "We're gonna be the laughing stock of that class, aren't we?" said Grian. "Yup. She's like an eagle or something! Always knows when we're up to no good.." Pearl trailed off. "Exactly!" The two made their way to their lockers and put everything away before making their way out the door. Same old, same old, ya know?

They made the way to the coffee shop and Grian held the door open for Pearl, letting it shut behind him. "Just Pearl today?" asked Scar from behind the counter. "Seems so" said Grain as he made his way behind the counter. "Yeah but I'm not staying too long, unfortunately.. I've got a study sesh with Gem today." admitted Pearl. "Aw, bummer!" Scar pouted. "I know, I would love to stay!" "Well, you've probably gotta hurry, same as usual?" Grian asked. "Yep! Oh can I get a White Peony Tea as well for Gem, we ran out this morning and she hasn't gone out to get more yet.." Pearl requested. "Oh can I also get a couple of those cookies there?" she added as she pointed to the display case. "No problemo, Pearlio" said Grian. Scar tapped in the order and Grian turned to make the drinks. After Pearl payed, Scar grabbed two cookies and put them in their bags, going ahead and giving them to Pearl. Grian finished up the drinks shortly after and handed them to Pearl. "And here ya go! Have fun studying!" he teased. "Grian!" Pearl hissed. "I will though, see ya tomorrow!" She turned and left, the bell signaling her departure.

"Brian!" called a familiar accent. "Keralis? How long have you been here?" asked Grian. "The whole time! I've been a little busy the past few days so I haven't been able to greet you properly!" Keralis explained as he embraced Grian in a back breaking bear hug. "Keralis! You're gonna kill him!" exclaimed Scar. "Whoops!" Keralis let him go. "Sorry!" "It's alright.. I think you've fixed my back, actually. It's been hurting for quite a while now." joked Grian. "Glad I could help!" "Do you think it's your wings? They look pretty heavy!" asked Scar. "No, not at all. I mean, they're only like.. 20 percent of my body weight" Grian ventured. "How do you know that?" asked Scar. "Yeah, how do you know that?" asked another voice. "Bubbles!" Keralis chimed. "Ker!" Bdubs stood in the doorway of the back room, familiar orange hair poking through as well. "Cleo?" asked Scar. "Yup" Cleo stood next to Bdubs. "Are we just getting the whole café crew together? What's going on here?" asked Grian. "Not X, he's busy doing paperwork" said Cleo. "Eugh""Exactly"

Turns out they weren't the only ones there, as someone, who will be completely irrelevant by the end of this chapter, was standing at the counter. "Oh! We didn't realize you were there, I'm so sorry! What can we do for you?" Scar rambled. "Took you long enough" she scoffed. "Don't talk to him like that!" warned Cleo. "What are you gonna do?" "I'll kick your ass!" Grian and Keralis laughed. "CLEO! WE'RE FAMILY FRIENDLY HERE!" Bdubs panicked. "I don't care! She's insulting my coworker!" Cleo retorted. "Who's the owner? I demand to speak to them this instant! This is not appropriate behavior!" she ordered. The café crew all looked between themselves with a look in their eyes. They new exactly what to do. "Oh! It's Shashwammyvoid!" chimed Keralis. "No, no, Keralis, its obviously X-eye-zOOma-void" Grian added. "I thought it was Zooma?" asked Scar. "It's on the card, figure it out yourself." Cleo handed the nuisan- I mean customer, a card.

Xisuma walked out from the back room, with a very clear disappointed look on his face, you could even tell through his mask. "Goodness me, it's Iss-oo-ma."He stepped to the front of the crew to look the 'customer' in the eye. "How man I be of assistance to you this lovely evening?" asked Xisuma with a threatening aura and not so threatening voice. "Your workers refuse to serve me!" she argued. "Is that it?" X faced the group "What's your side of the argument?" Scar was first to speak. "I asked her what she wanted and she just scoffed" explained Scar. "Then she threatened Scar" added Cleo. "Goodness me.." X sighed and faced her. "Right. We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way." X began. The crew all oooh'd like a group of middle schoolers. "What exactly can you do to me?" she teased. "Believe me, you don't want to do this" X warned. "Do it! I dare you!" X nodded and walked to the back room. A few seconds later he came back. They saw a flash of red and white cut through the crowd and they stood next to X with a sword at the lady's neck in seconds. "It's happening! it's happening! it's happening!!!" Keralis peeped. Cleo put her finger to her mouth with a smile. "Now. Would you like this the hard way or not?" asked the new person. "W-Who is this? Is this allowed?" "This is Ex! My good sibling and this café's security against people like you!" chimed Xisuma. The lady clutched her purse and ran out the door. "That bell couldn't have sounded better" sighed Grian. Cleo stuck her phone in her pocket. She's been recording this whole time! Ex put his sword away and turned towards the back door. "My job here's done!" "Thanks for saving our lives Ex!" chimed Scar. And with that, they were out the door. "That settles that! Call me if ya need anything!" X added as he headed to the back room. "Bye X!" called Scar.

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≈1,089 words above the line
i decided to give x a face mask cus obviously this mf isn't gonna be walking around dressed like doom guy
the xisuma name mispronouncing bit would've been better if i knew what bdubs and scar called him but it'll do

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