Chapter 2: Getting Boatem Back Together 1/2

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Grian forced himself awake, reaching his arm out to shut his alarm up. He ended up hitting it with too much force and immediately winced at the pain. The pain and the complete and utter cold was enough to get him up and out of bed. "How did I fall asleep like that?" he questioned. He tried to use his wings to warm him up in the slightest, it kind of worked. He quickly got ready, considering he slept in his clothes. "I've made getting ready quicker, but I'm not too proud of it." he said. "At least I live by myself" He looked in the mirror and messed with his hair a bit before deciding it was good enough and left his room. He grabbed his keys, and something to eat, and headed for the door.

The walk to college would be boring if he didn't run into Pearl and Mumbo on the way. "Pearl and Mumbo? Are we slowly getting Boatem back together?" Grian joked. "We might as well! Catch up at the very least." said Mumbo. "All we need is Impulse and Scar and we've got the crew back together!" chimed Pearl. "As long as Mumbo doesn't start a cult with the moon, we should be fine." said Grian. "Hey! What'd you expect, really?" Mumbo said defensively. "Not that. I'd expect that sort of behavior from Pearl." Grian half whispered. "Grian!" Pearl and Mumbo exclaimed simultaneously. Grian burst out laughing. Mumbo and Pearl joined him briefly. "Do any of you even know what classes they take? Scar and Impulse that is." asked Grian. "I'm pretty sure Scar is in the architecture class.. Different period, probably." Pearl said. "Impulse is taking the coding and engineering class with me. Same class and everything! I should tell him we're getting Boatem back together.." Mumbo rambled. "You're getting ahead of yourself, Mumbo." said Grian "You work at the coffee shop with Scar! You can tell him then! Or if we pass him in the halls.." Pearl chimed in, completely ignoring Grian. "We need to plan this, don't we? We're jumping in head first here." Grian asked. "Mumbo and I've got roommates, so it's gotta be yours." said Pearl. "But my place is a mess! And I don't wanna clean..." Grian pouted. "Well you better! How bout we meet this Saturday? To give Grian time to clean and all that." proposed Pearl. "Why not?" said Mumbo. Grian didn't say anything, knowing that he'd be outvoted.

They ended up at the college building, which had almost gone unnoticed by all of them. "Oh we're here! We were too deep in conversation to notice..." said Pearl. They found their way to their lockers, Mumbo's being further away than Grian would like.. "Is Mumbo smarter than us?" asked Grian. "Yeah.. He's in all the smart classes!" said Pearl shamefully. "Quite jealous of him, really.." Grian admitted. "I feel ya." The bell rang, alerting them of how they're gonna be late. "WHA- NICE KNOWING YA, PEARL!" Grian panicked, holding his wings close to his body as he ran to his class, Pearl followed behind briefly. Grian opened the door hastily and got stopped before he could make his way to his seat. "Grian MC, care to explain why you're late?" asked the professor. "...No" "Hm." Grian quietly made his way to his seat, avoiding eye contact with anyone out of embarrassment. He put his head down and sighed, his wings relaxing.

Grian had been zoned out for the majority of his classes, besides the architecture class. However, he did have a distraction. That distraction was Pearl. "Did you two seriously have to make plans to meet up at my apartment? This Sunday as well! Could've at least met at the coffee shop!" Grian whispered, doodling on his desk as he talked to Pearl. "You've got work! Besides, it'll get ya to clean up for once in ya life!" said Pearl. "Alright, cleaning lady." Grian said. "I may be a cleaning lady, but don't use it against me!" Pearl protested. "Pearl Moon and Grian MC, would you like to share with the class?" asked the teacher. Grian immediately covered his drawing with his hands, his wings held close to his body. "No ma'am!" Pearl blurted out, her tail wrapping around her chair leg.

The bell eventually rang, letting them leave this hell. Grian and Pearl left, both avoiding eye contact with the teacher. "She's quite scary, isn't she?" asked Grian. "Yeah, most definitely. No doubt about it!" replied Pearl. "Anyway, about meeting at the coffee shop, it'll be much easier! Besides, business is pretty slow when I'm on shift." Grian negotiated. "Fine. But we're still going to yours Saturday. You're not getting out of that!" "Oh but Pearlll!" "Nope! No buts!" Grian pouted. They managed to find Mumbo in the hallway, right next to the exit. "Mumbo!" exclaimed Grian. "Grian! Pearl!" "Hi! We're having a Boatem meeting at the coffee shop! Don't worry, we're still going to Grian's.." Pearl explained. "Oh! I've already told Impulse about this Saturday. Did you just plan that?" said Mumbo. "Grian won't have it any other way.." said Pearl. "Right, I'll text him real quick!" said Mumbo as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. After a bit of typing he put it back in his pocket and opened the door. All three of them promptly left and started walking towards the coffee shop.

"When did Impulse say he's gonna be here?" asked Pearl once they arrived. Grian walked in first and held the door open long enough to let the others in. "Uhh... He said he'd be here in 5-10 minutes, he's got homework to do." explained Mumbo. Grian groaned at the mention of homework. "Hello, hello, hello!" Scar greeted them from the counter. "Hi Scar!" greeted Mumbo. They made their way to the counter, Grian slipping behind it to talk to Scar. "Scar, we're getting Boatem back together. We're having a meeting at the café right now and then... sigh... We're meeting at my place on Saturday." Grian explained. "Oh! No one told me about this!" Scar said. "That's why we're telling you now!" said Pearl. "Ohhh.." Grian laughed.

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≈1,035 words above the line
decided to split this one up into two parts because..... why not?

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