Chapter 8: Official Boatem Meetup (It's a Sleepover) 2/2

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"So where do we start? I saw that there's some board games here" Mumbo began. "You're closer to them, grab em and we'll decide what to play" said Pearl. "Alright!" Mumbo grabbed the games and set them down in the middle of the circle. First game on the pile was Monopoly. "We all know how Monopoly ends with this group.. Especially Grian." said Mumbo. "I- How dare you, Mumbo!" Grian protested. "How about about another game!" Impulse quickly added before anything got out of hand. Mumbo put the box to the side. "CandyLand" "It's only four player" said Grian. "Aw man!" Scar exclaimed. "Next up is.." Mumbo set the box on top of Monopoly. "Battleship.. Two boxes" "Again, too many players." said Grian. "Scrabble" Pearl giggled. "You're taking the mick out of me and Scar, aren't you!?" Grian argued. "How dare you, Pearl!"Scar exclaimed dramatically. "Well, that's all the board games we have.." said Mumbo.

"What do we do then?" Scar had gotten up to grab his cookies before they went completely cold, Pearl and Impulse looked at each other with a familiar smirk. "We could play spin the bottle!" Pearl suggested with a mischievous smile, Impulse had the same. Scar sat down with the cookies and opened the box. No one brings a tray to someones house, only a mad man would do that! "What are we doing?" he asked as he pulled a cookie out. "We're gonna play spin the bottle!" chimed Impulse. He sounded a lot less sinister than Pearl. "Ohh! Alright!" Scar said with his mouthful. "Scar! Have some manners, will ya?" Grian complained jokingly. "You're one to talk.." Pearl muttered. "PEARL!" "Ooooooh! Shots fired!" exclaimed Impulse. "Are we playing or are we gonna keep bashing each other?" asked Mumbo. "Oh yeah, of course!" said Pearl. "Right, I'll go get a cup or something" said Grian as he stood up, right after he grabbed one of Scar's cookies. He made his way to the kitchen and rummaged through his cupboards for anything. He eventually found one of the café's to go cups that he may or may not have stolen. Don't tell X.

He made his way back and sat down in his original spot and set the cup in the middle. Mumbo had moved the board games back to the table and everyone had a sugar cookie. Each of them were decorated to represent them. Pearl's cookie was a crescent moon, Impulse had the iconic yellow 'i', Mumbo had a mustache, Scar had his season 8 hat, and Grian had a red 'G'. "Grian? Did you.. Steal that?" asked Scar. "Whaat? No..." "You did, didn't you?" Pearl pried. "Didn't he basically encourage it when we went to the café yesterday?" asked Mumbo. "He did!" Impulse chimed. "We don't use words like steal here! We use words like borrow.." Grian avoided the confrontation. "Right, let's play, shall we?" Pearl rolled her eyes. "Who gonna start?" asked Mumbo. "I will!" chimed Pearl.

She gently grabbed the dup and spun it. It spun around a few times before landing on Impulse. "Impulse! Truth or Dare?" "Dare!" "I dare you to try to put your whole hand in your mouth!" "I have sharp teeth, Pearl! And big hands.." Impulse complained. "That's why you've gotta try! Avoid the chompers!" Pearl insisted. Impulse sighed and did as Pearl insisted, only being able to fit his knuckles before giving up. He hid his face in his hands as Pearl laughed. "It's your turn, quit hiding!"

Impulse grabbed the cup and spun it, landing on Mumbo. "Mumbo, Truth or Dare?" "Both of these options are terrible! Uh.. Truth!" Mumbo stuttered. "Have you ever shared a secret you weren't supposed to tell?" Impulse asked, the atmosphere immediately getting darker and sending chills throughout Mumbo's entire body. "YES! Multiple times- I-it just slips out sometimes! I don't mean to!" Mumbo rambled. "Woaahh.. I'm never telling Mumbo any secrets from now on!" Scar decided. "Come on! Oh right, it's my turn.."

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