Chapter 9: Meeting Adjourned

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Grian woke up to the sound of Pearl giggling, stifled laughs, and a weight on his chest. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes and was able to make out brown hair and a green earring. His face flushed when he realized who it was. "Scar?" He looked around and saw Pearl and Impulse sitting at the kitchen table, Impulse was showing Pearl something on his phone and he realized that all of her "makeup" was washed off, Mumbo was still sleeping. "What are you two giggling about?" Pearl immediately stiffened and Impulse almost slammed his phone onto the table. "Nothing! Nothing at all!" Pearl panicked. "Sure.." Grain said skeptically. "Can you guys help me out here?" Pearl and Impulse exchanged looks and walked over to the couch, avoided Mumbo who fell asleep against the couch. "Impulse is the strong one here" said Pearl. "Am I?" he doubted. "Yeah! Have you seen how you're built? I think Scar has some competition.." said Pearl. "So what do you want me to do??" asked Impulse. "Just drag him or something!" "Ok..?"

Impulse lightly grabbed Scar in some way to make it easier to pull him off. "I have to watch out for Mumbo.." He said as he looked down where Mumbo was. "You're too kind!" Pearl hummed. Impulse began to pull Scar off of Grain, Pearl decided to join in and he almost collapsed. Good thing Impulse had a firm grip on him, holding Scar under his arms like a cat. "Pearl!" Impulse exclaimed. She just smirked. Scar woke up, completely delusional to the world. "Huh?? What's going on?" he sputtered. "Welcome to Earth, Scar" Pearl said. She kicked Mumbo in the side to wake him up because she just decided she wasn't going for the gentle approach. Mumbo awoke with a start. "WHA- Oh, it's just you.." "Just me? I'm offended!" Pearl exclaimed dramatically. "NO! No I didn't mean it like that I swear!" Mumbo rambled. Pearl laughed. "Nah, It's alright, mate. Here, get up, can't stay on the floor forever"  she extended an arm out to Mumbo, he took it and stood up, slightly dizzy. "Was the makeup that bad? You've washed it off" he stated. "Well, I wouldn't say it like that but yeah, I can't go home like this" she replied bluntly. "Ouch.." Impulse added.

"Ok, Ok, it was nice having you guys, but please leave" Grian said. "Wow! You're really kicking us out like that! I see how it is!" Pearl exclaimed dramatically. "It's not like that, Pearl! It's just that I doubt any of you are prepared to stay longer than a day, and that's, technically, passed" Grian argued. "Right.." "Take your board games with you!" Impulse looked between the two before deciding he should probably let go of Scar already and grabbed the games. "Yeah, Grian's right, Zed and Skizz probably think something bad has happened to me by now and I really don't wanna worry them any further" he admitted. "And what about Tango?" asked Pearl. "He's probably deescalating the situation... Poorly" "Right, ok, we'll head home then, we've got our wits together. Bye!!" "Bye bye!" said Grian. The two were out of the door in no time. "Oh! We should head home as well, then. Nice seeing ya!" Mumbo sputtered before heading out as well. Scar was still slightly out of it. "Earth to Scar, hello!?" Grain snapped his fingers in his face. "Wha? Oh, I have to leave? It's so fun being here, though!" Scar said. "Yeah, get your tray and leave." "Oh, I forgot i brought cookies" Scar laughed. He swiftly grabbed the tray and stopped at the door. "Bye, Grian! See you soon! Hopefully" "Bye, Scar! Glad you had fun!" and Scar was out the door.

Grian sighed and laid his head back and sighed, his feathers ruffled as they finally realized the loss of warmth. He looked at the doodles on his arms and thought about what happened last night. Most of that night was a blur but one thing was clear as day. Scar kissed him. As a dare. "I hate Pearl.. Her and Impulse are on to something that me and Scar don't know! How am I gonna get the information out of her..." he decided. "I wonder if Mumbo knows"

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≈719 words above the line
bit of a shorter chapter this time im sorry but writers block has my ass and someone said they may die without another chapter
and for the people that watch empires smp, i might be working on another story so look out for that

i also drew something from this fic check it out

let me know what you think of the drawing and i'll see you either next chapter or in the new story 😉

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let me know what you think of the drawing and i'll see you either next chapter or in the new story 😉

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