Chapter 4: I See Him in my Dreams

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Grian woke up in a cold sweat. His feathers were ruffled and his hair was pointing every which way. His vision was blurred and he tried his best to blink away the blindness. He checked the time. "4:27 AM.." Grian thought drowsily. He tried to force himself to fall back asleep, failing every time. His brain keeps jumping back to one thing. One specific thing that's keeping him up. Scar. Scar.. Well, he's meant to be up in an hour or so from now, so there's really no point in trying to fall back asleep. Maybe he's just given up on the thought of a few extra hours of sleep. "I'll just have some coffee to get me up, I do work at a coffee shop after all" He convinced himself as he sat on the edge of his bed.

He forced himself up, walking out of his room and finding the kitchen through pure muscle memory. He turned on the light and winced at how bright it is. He started the less fancy coffee machine and waited for it to brew. "Machine's not nearly as fancy as the one at the café but it'll have to do" Grian found the mirror in the mostly dark apartment, having to turn on a light to see himself better. He immediately groaned at how messed up his feathers were. He messed with his hair until he decided it looked good enough and headed back to the kitchen to see if his coffee was done. It was. He poured himself a cup, took a sip, and made his way to the couch, turning on a light of course. He set his cup down on the table and sat down cross-legged on the couch, immediately getting to work at preening his wings.

Grian's mind started to drift as he sat there straightening out his feathers. "Him." He began monologuing to himself. "Why's he the only thing I can think about? Come on, why's it gotta be Scar? Of all people! Do I find him attractive or something? I mean, all of my friends are relatively attractive in some shape, way, or form, so why is it Scar that- ugh... Look, Pearl's beautiful in every shape, way, and form. Mumbo's got a glorious mustache and wet cat energy, if I'm being completely honest here. Impulse is fairly handsome himself, and smart as well, same goes for Mumbo. But Scar's got these... Hypnotizing shiny emerald eyes, that stupid crooked toothy smile, those scars... Yeah, I don't see what's so special about him, really. I don't know why I get so... Breathless. Have I got a crush on Scar?......Nah" He finished off his rant to himself as well as his preening. He heard his alarm from his room. "Oh, I've actually got places to be, haven't I?" He got up and swiftly made his way to his room, shutting off the ear bleeding device. He rummaged through his closet for something to wear and put it on before turning off the light and leaving the room. "I need to clean up as well.. Pearl's gonna hate me if I don't sort this out before the meetup" He grabbed his keys, not bothering to do anything with his probably now cold half drank coffee, and left, locking the door behind him. Before he even left the complex, he ran into Scar. Scar had smiled and waved and he awkwardly waved back. "God, I can't stand his pretty face right now.. I MEAN-" He turned and left the complex, heading towards his impending doom, aka college.

"Grian!" called Pearl's familiar Australian voice. Grian turned around and saw Pearl running towards him with her arm up in the air, Impulse was walking casually behind her with his hands in his pockets, and Scar was a little behind Impulse smiling and waving. "Hey!" Grian waved as he stopped for them to catch up. They did eventually catch up, Pearl having to catch her breath from running. "Do you know where Mumbo is?" asked Grian. "He lives a little further down from Pearl and I, so I don't know if he's already made his way here or what. I wouldn't be surprised if he were" said Impulse. "Ah.." They continued walking.

Pearl nonchalantly and lightly elbowed Impulse on the arm, winked and looked back and forth between Grian and Scar. Impulse covered his mouth and whispered to Pearl. "Do you really think so?" Pearl smiled. "Definitely" "What are you two whispering about?" asked Scar. Pearl put her hands behind her back and Impulse put his hands back in his pockets. "Nothing!" they said simultaneously. "Come on! I have to know!" Scar pleaded. "We're not tellin' ya!" Pearl protested, putting her hands on her hips. Scar frowned. He snuck up next to Grian. "Grian!" His feathers ruffled in surprise. "Scar!" "Pearl and Impulse are being very secreti-tive about something and they won't tell me!" "What am I meant to do about them?" Grian's face was pink, Pearl noticed and chuckled behind them. "I see what you mean now.." Impulse whispered. "See!" Scar exclaimed as he pointed to the two. "Scar! There's nothing I can do to stop them!" Grian said, clasping his hands together. "Aww..." Scar pouted. Grian looked away from him so no one could see him blush. "Why the hell am I blushing? Pearl and Impulse clearly know something.."

Pearl turned back to Impulse. "I know a way to get us to stop.." she said slyly. Impulse put his hand over his mouth. "No!" he lowered his hand a little so she could hear him clearly. "Don't tell me you're thinking what I think you are!" "Mhmmm.. It's gonna happen, we all know it." Pearl put her arms behind her head. "I see you two have given up on whispering now that Scar's pointed it out" said Grian. "Yeah, I guess so.." said Impulse. "Pearl, you're too much of an influence on Impulse!" Pearl and Impulse laughed. "I can't deal with two of you!" "You already are, Gri!" Pearl chimed. Grian pinched the bridge of his nose. Pearl stepped little closer to Impulse to whisper to him, making sure no one else could hear her. "We'll make bets later on em later.." Impulse nodded. Pearl stepped back to where she was to not raise any suspicion from the group.

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≈1,066 words above the line
i love writing pearl's character and i decided to get impulse in on the action because i love him so much
when will grian learn there are CLEAR SIGNS YOU ARE IN LOVE

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