Chapter 12: Who's That Hermit?

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I'm sure you know the routine by now, HOWEVER we're completely throwing that out of the window this chapter! Enter: Cleo, at the café.

She stood at the counter taking orders left right and center. She's had to assist the help of Xisuma to help her out here, she's practically buried in orders! After what felt like hours, the orders finally slowed down and she let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks for the help, X. Couldn't have done it without you" she said. "No problem, Cleo, that's why I'm here!"

As they were talking they heard the bell of the door and someone basically yelling. "Cleebert!" they called. She turned to face the voice, her eyes widening in surprise. "Skizz? I didn't expect that you'd be here" she half joked. "Me neither! What are you doing working at a coffee shop?" he asked. "Money, mainly." she stated bluntly. "Have your horns gotten bigger?" she asked. He laughed. "I guess they have! They kinda make a halo shape, don't they?" He used his hands to trace the circle his horns form. "Just with a few bits and bobs sticking out"

Cleo laughed lightly. "Are you ordering anything or are you just here to talk?" she asked. Skizz's eyes widened. "Oh! So uh.. What do you recommend at this fine establishment?" he asked. "Black coffee." she said with a completely straight face. "A- For real, Cleebert?" he asked dumbfoubded.  "Yes." "Um. Do you have a... A menu somewhere?" He looked around. "Skizz." Cleo wheezed. "It's right there." she pointed over to the side. "Oh, right." Skizz laughed. "Uh..." he paused. Cleo's brow furrowed and she snapped her fingers at Skizz. "We don't have all day, Skizz! I'm almost off the clock!" He snapped out of his trance. "Sorry, Cleebert! I'll have an Irish Coffee." he finally decided. "You got it" Cleo winked. "Anything else?" "Yeah! I'll have a cookie for Zeddlebop!" Cleo tapped the order in and grabbed a cookie, sliding it to Skizz. "Should I ask why Zed wants a cookie?" they asked. "He wants to do experiments on it or something." he said blandly. "Right..." Cleo laughed skeptically. They typed in his order and spun the tablet around for him to pay. He payed then Cleo disappeared behind the counter.

Skizz waited for a bit at the counter until he heard Cleo call his name. He grabbed the cup but before he could say thank you, he noticed something. "You put the sticker over the logo!" he exclaimed. "Yeah." Cleo laughed. "AND you spelt my name wrong!" he pointed to the name on the cup. It was his name, just one 'z' short. "What? I though there was only one zed..." Cleo lied. Skizz squinted his eyes. "You know how my name is spelt, Cleebert." "Noooo..." she looked off to the side. "I wont let this slide." "I'm sure you will." and with that Skizz thanked her and walked away, the sound of the bell signaled his departure. Cleo sighed and folded their arms on the counter, a slight smile still remaining on her face.

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≈518 words above the line
short chapter because i genuinely have no idea how to continue this and i dont wanna leave my readers waiting forever :P
thanks for all the support, i seriously mean it <3
fun fact: i actually started writing this chapter before skizz and joel joined hermitcraft, that just proves how bad i am at uploading

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