Chapter 10: Weekend Boredom/Stargazing

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Grian stood in his his kitchen brewing some coffee as he barely slept last night. It's the weekend and he has nothing better to do. He surfed on his phone, once again thinking about last night. The pen on his arms were smudged and the feeling in his stomach still hasn't subsided. Maybe he should get that checked out... Who should he blame this on, Scar or Pearl? Probably Scar, he's the reason he feels this way. Yet again, Pearl is the one who made them 'kiss'.. He'll figure it out eventually. He grabbed his coffee after it had finished and sat down, taking a sip. "Ow!" He burnt his tongue. Should've expected that, really... He put the mug down and continued scrolling. He got a text message. From.. Pearl? He opened it.

pearlio ⭐️: hi gri! im going stargazing tonight and wanna know if you wanna come
pesky bird 🦜: is this a setup?
pearlio ⭐️: nope!
pesky bird 🦜: then i'll go
pesky bird 🦜: what time
pearlio ⭐️: 12 am! its the best time to go stargazing!
pesky bird 🦜: see you then
pearlio ⭐️: see ya!

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Meanwhile... Wow perspective change!! How crazy of me am I right?

Stargirl!: hi scar! im going stargazing tonight and wanna know if you wanna come
good times™️: Of course I do! What a silly question to ask! Whay time?
good times™️: What*
Stargirl!:12 am! its the best time to go stargazing!
good times™️: See you then, Pearl!
Stargirl!: see ya!

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Another perspective switch wow i'm all over the place with this chapter huh

Pearl was laying on her bed kicking her feet on call with Impulse, Gem, and Mumbo. "The trap is set!" "Perfect!" Impulse exclaimed on the other side of the call. "Don't you think they might be a little suspicious? Like, I should've texted the GC, at least" Pearl started doubting. "No, it's fine! I don't think they'd notice.." "Why am I here again? Why exactly are you setting traps for Scar and Grian?" Mumbo asked. He was only invited to the group because he somewhat helped out with Pearl's schemes at the sleepover. "Pearl and Impulse are convinced that Grian has something for Scar.." said Gem. "What do you think, Mumbo?" "Ah- Well- I don't think I should-" "Tell us!" Pearl cut him off. "I- I really think this is a bad idea-" Mumbo was a little uncomfortable and very nervous, but he typically is. "Come on! Don't be a wuss!" Impulse encouraged. "Ah- Well- When you put it like that-" "He's avoiding the question!" Called Gem as if it wasnt the most obvious thing in the world. "Mumbo! Mumbo! Mumbo!" Pearl started chanting. "Mumbo! Mumbo! Mumbo!" Impulse joined. "Mumbo! Mumbo! Mumbo!" Gem joined. "Dear lord.. Fine! Just stop chanting!" The call went quiet. He's gonna regret this, isn't he? He took a deep breath in. "I think- maybe- They.. Might? I-I've known them a while and- I should stop talking.." he stuttered. "3 against 1, Gem! Suck it!" Pearl exclaimed. "Hey! I never said I was apart of this!" "You're too deep into it now, Mumbo" said Impulse. "Right, that's reassuring.." "Ugh.." Gem groaned.

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12 AM

Luckily, the place Pearl chose was fairly close to his apartment so it would be easy to walk there since he doesn't own a car, and probably never should. I mean, he could fly but it's a lot more inconspicuous to walk, y'know? Maybe he should, his legs are getting tired... Ugh.. "Screw it" he unfurled his wings and started flying. He's gotta put these wings to use, y'know? He scouted out the spot Pearl totally sent him (I didn't know how to include it guys don't kill me) and elegantly swooped down. His eyes widened he realized that who he was expecting wasn't there... "Woah! You can do that?!" marveled Scar as he felt the wind hit his face. "Scar? What are you doing here?" asked Grian. "Pearl invited me!" "She also invited me! I knew it was a setup!" Grian exclaimed. "Wait- Did you think that my wings were just for show? Like?" he squinted his eyes. Contrary, Scar's eyes went wide. "Well- I- I've never seen you fly?" Grian pinched the bridge of his nose. "I- Urg.." "Well, we're already here, right? No use in going home now" Scar quickly changed the subject. "Unless you could fly us home" Grian sighed "I don't think I could.. I've only been stargazing with Pearl once, I barely know what to do!" he said. "We.. Look at the stars? I don't know?" Scar suggested. "Ah- You're right" Grian admitted shamefully. Scar laid down with his hands behind his head, Grian joined him.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" asked Scar. Grian flushed and sat up. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!?" "There's a meaning?" he asked innocently. "Good thing it's dark out.." "I-It means 'I love you'" Grian sputtered. "Does it? I was just talking about the moon!" Scar protested  "Were you really?" Grian doubted. "Of course!" Grian sighed. Obviously, this is something he typically wouldn't doubt so he brushed it off for now. They sat in an awkward silence for a bit until Scar broke it. "Were you blushing earlier? When I mentioned the moon and stuff?" he asked. "No! Why would I do that? That's silly!" Grian stuttered. "Your face has been really red around me, y'know? I'm not obli- oblivious!" Scar pointed out. "Since when?" Grian asked, already knowing the answer. "Umm.. In the café that one time you brought Pearl and Cleo was supposed to be there and you- struggled with your apron-" "My wings got in the way! I went red out of embarrassment!" Grian protested. "Sure, sure.." Scar replied slyly. Grian's wings fluffed up. "Scar..." "Hm?" He hid in his wings. "...Nothing.." Scar smiled his iconic toothy grin. "You're so adorable.." he marveled. "WHAT?!!" Grian shouted, his wings unfurling in a panic. "What? I didn't say anything!" Scar lied.

Grian sunk down and lied back down next to Scar, one of his wings acting a wall between them. Scar didn't take much of a liking to this. He pulled the wing down gently. "What's the wall for, G? Am I too handsome for you to handle?" He's acting confident but he's just as flustered as Grian is, trust me. "I- Um- It was an accident-!" He's avoiding the question. "Mhmm.. Totally.. You just can't handle my charm!" Scar boasted. Grian stayed quiet and stared up at the sky. Scar couldn't help but stare, the other's cheeks were still red, his might've been as well.. Urm anyway...

A cold breeze hit the two of them, Grian's wing would've protected him if it blew on his side, however it directly hit Scar. "Griaan!! I'm cold!!" Scar complained. "Right, right..." Grian sat up, implying that Scar does the same, so he did. Grian tried to wrap a wing around Scar, but he was a little far away for it to go around him fully. "Scar.. You're too far away.." Grian muttered. "Hm?" "You're too far away.." "Oh!" Scar scooted over closer to him. Grian wrapped his wing around him fully, using his other wing to wrap around himself. However, the only way he could was to be right next to Scar. Great. "Well, this is awkward..." said Scar, trying to fill the silence. "You're the one who decided to be cold.." said Grian. "And this was your solution!" Scar argued. "I'm sure you would've asked anyway!" Grian replied. Scar went quiet. "Exactly" Scar brought Grian's wing closer to his face and closed his eyes. It's late, he's getting tired, okay? Grian smiled. "Scar.. Don't fall asleep now.." "But I'm tired..!" Scar whined. "I can take you home, come on.." "But your wings are so soft!" His wings fluffed up, kinda proving Scar's point. He cuddled himself into Grian's wing. Grian started plucking at his free wing. Scar leaned his head against Grian's shoulder, bringing his wing with him. Grian figured he might as well go to sleep as well considering that Scar wouldn't let him to home any time soon. So he closed his eyes and leaned his on top of Scar's. Yes, they were meant to be stargazing, but neither of them can just sit there and look at the stars in silence. So this is the next best thing, I guess. They eventually fell asleep under the night sky together without a care in the world.

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≈1,414 words above the line
im sorry for starving you guys so have some fluff or something idk
its 12 am help!
they're making progress chat

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