Chapter 6: The Stakes are High

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Pearl opened the door very carefully and slipped inside the door, closing it behind her with her foot. "Pearl! You could've asked me to open the door for you!" accused Gem. "I knoww! But I wanted to make a surprise entrance!" Pearl exclaimed. "Whatever you say..." "Anyway! I got the tea you asked for! It might be a bit cold though.." Pearl trailed off as she handed Gem the tea. "Thank you! Who're the cookies for?" asked Gem. "Oh! Impulse is coming over in a bit! I'm sure you know why..." Pearl said slyly. "Ohhhh.. I gotcha!" Pearl walked over to her room, stopping at the door. "Tell Impulse that I'll be in my room when he comes by!" "Will do!" She shut the door behind her, set her drink and cookies on her beside table and sat down on her bed, checking her phone for any new messages.

Zombie Queen 🧟‍♀️: You've gotta see this! <Zombie Queen attached a video>
Stress 💕#GetGorgeous: OMG!
Falsie 🤺: no way!
GeminiSlay! 🌼: i can't believe this!

Pearl wondered what they were freaking out about and tapped the video. It was a video taken from Cleo in the café with the entire crew surrounded around the counter, and behind the counter was a random lady when X walked into frame. They talked for a bit then Ex seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "With A SWORD??" The lady backed off and X left.

Pearl 🌙: omg! LOL
Zombie Queen 🧟‍♀️: you coukdve been here id fyo didnbt elevaedkk.,,lo
Zombie Queen 🧟‍♀️: That was Grian, sorry
Pearl 🌙: he better not be talking like that when i've got dirt on him!
Stress 💕 #GetGorgeous: OOOOH!!!
GeminiSlay! 🌼: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!
Falsie 🤺: GET EM!

"Impulse is here, Pearl!" Gem called from the living room. She heard her faintly giving Impulse directions, but she didn't lay attention as she quickly shut off her phone. Her door had been open slightly so he could find it easier. "Hey.. Sorry to keep you waiting.." Impulse said sheepishly as he walked in. Pearl sat crisscrossed on her bed. "Nah, you're fine, mate! Come sit down!" Impulse sat opposite to Pearl.

"So... How much we betting here?" asked Pearl. The atmosphere immediately changed and it sent a shiver down Impulse's spine. "Well, how much do you think this is worth?" asked Impulse. "Can I join in!?" Gem chimed from the doorway. "Why not? More the merrier.." Pearl quickly replied. Gem came in and scooted her way in between Pearl and Impulse. "I say... An IOU either side." Pearl offered. "Surely it's more than that. I mean, and IOU is quite powerful but I feel we could do better." Gem implored. "Oooh~" "How far are we going with this?" asked Impulse, already fearing for his life. "Money, forfeits, and more.." Gem stated. "And.. How much money are we talking?" asked Impulse. "$100 dollars. Everything else is up to the winner." she explained. "You're going against it, right?" asked Impulse. "Yep!" "Who's side are you on, Impulse?" asked Pearl. "Yours! Yep! Yours" he decided quickly. He's seen the way Grian looks at Scar, maybe Scar looks at him the same way! Gem held out both of her hands. Impulse shook one of them and Pearl shook the other. "Please doing business with ya" said Pearl. "Likewise" said Gem.

Gem stood up and left and a weight was lifted off of Impulse's shoulders. "Oh! I completely forgot about these cookies!" Pearl exclaimed. And like that the atmosphere was back to normal. Impulse laughed as she fumbled in the bag for them. She handed one to him and kept the other for herself. "I can't help but feel like I've sold my soul to the devil" muttered Impulse. Pearl almost choked on her cookie. "IMPULSE!" "SORRY!!" Pearl took a sip of her now almost cold coffee. "Don't do that again!" "I'm so sorry!" They laughed and the mood died down. "What do we do now?" asked Impulse. "I mean, I'm here and I don't wanna leave just yet.." "Gem and I have board games somewhere! We could play those" Pearl suggested. "Aren't we going to Grian's this Saturday? That's coming up pretty soon, isn't it?" Impulse clarified. "Ohhh... What does Grian have?" "I dunno" "Huh." They sat in silence for a bit. "Board games it is then!" Pearl decided.

She got up and went to find Gem. She found Gem watering one of many potted plants. "Gem? Do you know where we put our board games?" she asked. "Board games? What do you need those for?" Gem asked. "Impulse wants to stay a little longer so I figured we could play a board game or something" she said. "Ah.. I'll see if I can find em!" Gem set down her watering can and went off to search. Pearl decided to check out the plants. She took a step closer to them. White and orange lilies. If she remembers correctly, white lilies represent sympathy, condolences, and peace of the soul and orange lilies represent revenge, pretty fitting for Gem. Opposite side of them were calla lilies which represent beauty. The pots themselves were painted by them when they first moved in together. Pearl's pot of calla lilies was painted with an alien sort of space theme, meanwhile Gem's pot of lilies was full on cottagecore. Who woulda thunk it? Gem returned with the board games and smiled at Pearl admiring the flowers. "I got some board games! You two can decide which one you want to play" said Gem. Pearl snapped put of her trance. "Oh! Thank you!" She took the games from her and went back to her room to find Impulse scrolling through his phone. "Was I gone that long? My God!" Pearl asked in fake offense. "Yeah, well kinda.. I needed something to pass the time!" Impulse protested. "Right.. Well, Gem picked put some board games for us! Maybe we could bring these over to Grian's..." She set them down on the bed next to Impulse. "Glad Monopoly's not here" Impulse sighed. "Hey! we do have it but player requirement numbers and stuff.." Pearl rambled. "We should totally bring Monopoly to Grian's" "You're so right!"

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≈1,028 words above the line
woohoo cliffhangers except not really because this little pearl and impulse interaction is not continuing anytime soon, i've already hit my minimum word count, thank you very much!
anyway they're so silly and goobie impulse may have sold his soul to the devil (pearl or gem i'm not sure)

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