Chapter 3: Getting Boatem Back Together 2/2

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"What can we get you two?" Scar asked as Pearl and Mumbo took a seat at the bar stools. "I'll have a Cookie Crumble Frappuccino" said Pearl. "You had that yesterday, didn't you?" asked Grian. "It's really good! Don't blame me!" Pearl argued. "You're paying by the way, Mumbo. I don't wanna cut a hole in my wallet here." "Wha- I- Fine." Mumbo faltered. "Mumbo, ya ordering?" asked Grian impatiently. "Oh! I'll have a White Chocolate Mocha!" said Mumbo.

After Scar typed in Pearl and Mumbo's orders, Grian went to make their drinks. "If this machine ever gets broken, Mumbo's fixing it" Grian muttered to himself. "Why am I the one to fix it?" asked Mumbo. Turns out everyone heard him. Grian just shrugged. He slid their drinks on the counter, then made a drink for himself. "Scar, you want anything?" asked Grian. "Oh, yeah! I'll take a Cookies n Cream Frappe!" chimed Scar. "Of course you'd pick that.." Grian sighed and started on his drink. He had his drink off to the side of the machine. Mumbo took his phone out of his pocket, putting it back after a bit. "Impulse is on his way here!" he said. "Bout time!" said Pearl. "What do you mean bout time? We just got here, didn't we?" said Mumbo. "Don't tell me I'm gonna have to make a drink for Impulse as well!" Grian complained jokingly, handing Scar his drink.

Not too long after, the bell chimed, and Pearl and Mumbo spun around in their bar stools. "Impulse!" greeted Scar. "Hey! I'm not too late, am I?" Impulse asked sheepishly. "No, no! Not at all! Come have a seat!" chimed Pearl. Impulse took a seat next to Pearl. "Can I get you anything, Impulse?" Grian said with the customer service voice and a fake strained smile. It was obviously a joke and laughed himself off. "I'll just take a latte, if thats okay with you" "Uh huh" Grian went to make Impulse's drink with a forced annoyed sighed. Impulse laughed. Scar had made his way around the counter and was standing between Pearl and Mumbo, showing them pictures of Jellie. He had his phone in one hand and his drink in the other. Grian finished off Impulse's drink and slid it to him. Impulse laughed as he noticed the foam art 'i' in the drink, Grian smiling to himself. "You didn't!" exclaimed Impulse. "Oh but I did!" said Grian, proudly. "What'd he do?" asked Pearl, looking up from Scar's phone. Scar and Mumbo looked up as well to face Impulse. "Look!" He pointed to his drink. Pearl laughed. "What!?" exclaimed Scar. "No way!" Mumbo laughed. "Yeah, I did that!" Grian was obviously proud of himself. "You seem awfully proud of that, Grian!" said Mumbo. "Yup! I am!" Grian had his hands on his hips and he had a huge smile on his face.

"Should we sit at one of the tables? I mean, as much as I'm loving what we've got going on right now, I feel like we shouldn't be sitting here." Mumbo rambled. He was holding his drink with two hands, looking almost afraid he'll drop it from his inability to sit still. "That'd be a good idea, actually. Have you got anyone to cover for ya?" Pearl added on. "If a customer ever comes in, which I doubt, I'll just get up real quick and take their order. No big deal" Grian said nonchalantly. "Right." Mumbo said as he stood up. Scar found a table since he was one of the people who had been standing, he took a seat and signaled everyone else to follow. Pearl took a quick sip of her drink and stood up, Impulse following soon after. They made their way to Scar's table and sat down. Pearl sat next to Scar, Grian sat next to Pearl, Impulse sat next to Grian, and Mumbo sat next to Impulse. They were sat in a circle so Pearl and Mumbo were on opposite sides of Scar, most likely so they can see more pictures of Jellie.

"So.. How's college treating ya so far?" asked Pearl. "Horrible." said Grian. "What? Already?" asked Impulse, looking slightly baffled. "Yup" "And hows that? Surely it's not too bad.." Mumbo asked. Grian folded his arms on the table. "Too much work.. I haven't even been doing it" Grian said. "Yeah, me neither!" added Scar. "What?! We're two days into the start of the semester!" Impulse's eyes went wide. "What are we gonna do with them?" Mumbo whispered to Impulse. He shook his head. "They're a lost cause.." "Lost cause? Excuse me?" Grian asked defensively. Pearl was trying to hide the fact she was laughing, failing horribly as everyone heard her. "What are you laughing about Pearl?!" Grian hissed. She kept laughing, this time not trying to hide it. "What? What's so funny?" Scar asked innocently. Impulse sighed and laughed as well. "You're hopeless.." "We've definitely gotta help em out.." Mumbo chuckled. Grian leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, obviously pouting but he will definitely deny this if brought up later. "Right, we've gotta set up a study sesh or something" said Pearl. "Don't tell me we're changing the Boatem meetup to that..." Grian mumbled. "No, we're not. That's cruel." stated Pearl. "Don't we still have the Boatem group chat? Can't we group call them or something?" Mumbo offered. "Genius! We'll call ya once we get home!" Pearl decided. He wasn't getting out of this one, and neither was Scar. "What? Seriously?" asked Scar. "Yep!" chimed Pearl. "You two aren't getting out of this one" Impulse chuckled.

"Oh, would ya look at the time? It's getting pretty late!" Scar said as he looked out the window. Grian's breath hitched in his throat as he admired Scar, the afternoon sun making his emerald eyes glow, his earring was slightly adding to the distraction.  He snapped out of his trance when he heard a voice. "Oh yeah! We should probably head home then" Pearl acknowledged, taking the final sips of her drink while standing up. "Just looking at his earring, nothing else!" Grian mentally slapped himself. Impulse had finished his drink a while ago, Mumbo, Scar, and Grian were either halfway done or not nearly halfway. "Right, before we leave I've gotta be somewhat responsible and bring your cups to the sink at the very least" said Grian, motioning towards Impulse and Pearl. "Mumbo, feel free to take yours home and either keep it or bring it back to the café tomorrow, I'm sure no one will notice either way" Grian took their cups and swiftly put them in the sink, as he said he would, and made his way back to the group, grabbing his half finished drink and started walking towards the door. Everyone else followed suit.

They walked and talked for a bit until they reached Grian's apartment complex. "I didn't know you lived this close to the café!" said Scar. "It's more convenient, believe me" said Grian. "Right, I'm off! Talk to you, shamefully, later!" Everyone waved him goodbye and walked off, except one person. Scar. Turns out he also lives in that apartment complex. "You live here as well?" asked Grian. "Yep! Same reason as you, I bet." said Scar. "Highly doubt that" They made their way in the building and made their way up the elevator. Once up there, Grian waved goodbye as he was at his floor. He grabbed his keys and stuck it into the lock. He unlocked the door and opened it, locking it behind him. He set his keys down on a little table next to the door and found his way to his room. He plopped himself on his bed and pulled out his phone, audibly sighing as he read the text message. "Least let me get comfortable first.." Grian complained to himself as he got back up, slipping into more comfortable clothes and grabbing whatever he needs for this horrible experience. He spent the majority of the night doing work with the rest of Boatem, and he did almost fall asleep a couple times until they decided they've done enough tonight.

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≈1,365 words above the line
woohoo boatem content!! i miss them so much
grian may or may not be in denial dont mind him

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